30161 - Francophone Literature 2 (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Anna Soncini
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/03
  • Language: French

Learning outcomes

The student will learn the history and the development of the extra-European francophone literatures thoroughly, and in particular the relationship between the literary texts and the historical, artistic and linguistic context. He will know and use the practical methodologies for the analysis and interpretation of a literary text.

Course contents

The course aims to analyze the representation of mixed marriage in French-speaking literatures, with the aim of touching the cultural differences highlighted or questioned in the texts.


The course will be built on three axes: 

Le regard à l’autre dans le passé (Cristina Trivulzio Belgioioso, Lionel Groulx, Louise Cousturier, Pierre Mille et André Demaison) 10 h en ligne

Le problème de l’identité (Ying Chen, Les lettres chinoises ; Mariama Ba Une si longue lettre) 8 h. en ligne

Le visage multiple d’un mariage mixte : en présence et en ligne 27 h 

Comment faire cohabiter deux cultures: Mariama Ba, Chant écarlate (Sénégal); Annette Ntgnoi fopa (Cameroun), Roméo et Bineta ; Moustafa Haciane (Algérie), Les larmes de l’Olivier

Le problème religieux: Franco Soly (Egypte), Un mariage mixte ou presque ; Bernard Fery (F), Au cœur d’un mariage mixte

If the health situation allows, Mr. Alioune Dieng, from the University of Dakar, will participate in the course, as will Ms. Myriam Vien (Quebec). The course also provides for the presentation and use of a computer analysis program. During face-to-face lessons, half an hour before the end of each lesson, in collaboration with Eleonora Marzi, a textometric analysis of the text will be approached. If the number of students enrolled will make it necessary to organize attendance in groups, all students will be able to solve any problems linked to the computer mechanisms of textual analysis.


Studente frequentante : The student "frequentante" must know everything that has been study in class, with all the texts and provide his/her personal analysis of three of the texts in the Bibliography of his/her choice.

Studente non frequentante : The student "non-frequentante" must choose three texts and  thoroughly analyze  them for which he/she has to prepare the "fiches" (see below), andhe/she has to study what is note in "General Bibliography"  (completed shortly)

« General Bibliography» :

E. Glissant, Introduction à la poétique du divers, Paris, Gallimard, 1996

Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989


Exemples des "fiches" pour les étudiants "non-frequentanti"
 FICHES AUTEURS (à préparer et à présenter/illustrer pendant l’examen)

Lieu, date de naissance et de mort. Nom, prénom d’état civil ou pseudonyme le plus connu. Présentation. Repères biographiques. Bibliographie des œuvres

 FICHES ŒUVRES (à préparer et à présenter/illustrer au moment de l’examen. Extrait(s) commenté(s) à l’oral).

Titre, nom de l’auteur, date de publication originale. Si possible, annexez à votre travail la photocopie d’une illustration avec références précises. Présentation succincte (place dans l’œuvre, principales caractéristiques, etc.) : article type dictionnaire, 600 car. max. Sommaire du volume ou du recueil (conforme à l’édition originale). Bref commentaire de l’ouvrage (qualités, originalité, etc.) Extrait(s) de l’œuvre présentée (2000 car.), précédé(s) éventuellement de quelques mots d’introduction (situation du passage).


« General Bibliography » :

Edouard Glissant, Introduction à la poétique du divers, Paris, Gallimard, 1996

Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989


Teaching methods

The course is organised in collaboration (if possible) with francophonian professors.

It will focus on the textual analysis and the literary history.

Assessment methods

The assessment consist in an oral examination of everything that has been proposed in class. Will be evaluated the critical and methodological capacities of the student, who must offer his own analytical reading of 4 novels of his choice among the novels proposed during the course. The student must demonstrate his own ability to read and analyze a text by interacting with the issues and theoretical texts proposed in class. A broad view of the problem, linked to a specific ability to analyze texts, the demonstration of a good knowledge of the French language are appreciated. The flat and repetitive knowledge of the work, an incorrect language leads to an average evaluation. With large gaps or insufficient knowledge of the language the oral exam is assessed negatively.

Teaching tools

The information (name, quotes, bibliography .....) will be indicated on a power point.

Office hours

See the website of Anna Soncini


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

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