28347 - Anthropology of Political Processes (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2014/2015

  • Docente: Luca Jourdan
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: M-DEA/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Asian and African Languages and Cultures (cod. 0972)

Course contents


State, power and war in contemporary Africa


The course focuses on the crisis of the state and war in contemporary Africa.

Starting from the analysis of some ethnographic cases (Congo, Somalia, Liberia, Sudan etc.) we will explore the etiology of the different conflicts and their social impact. Particular attention will be given to the relationship between youth and war and to the cultural imaginary shaped by war. 

For the exam, students will have to study 4 books among the list (2 books for 6 cfu exams):

BayartJ.-F., Ellis S., Hibou B., The Criminalization of the State in Africa, Oxford, James Currey for the International African Institute 1998.

Beherend H., Alice Lakwena & the Holy Spirits: War in Northern Uganda 1986-97,  Oxford, James Currey 1999. 

Chabal P., Daloz J.-P., Africa Works. Disorder as Political Instrument,  Oxford, James Currey for the International African Institute 1998.

Duffield M., Guerre Postmoderne. L'aiuto umanitario come tecnica politica di controllo, Bologna, Il Ponte 2004.

Ellis, S., The Mask of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimensions of an African Civil War, New York, New York University Press 1999. 

Fusaschi M. (a cura di), Rwanda. Etnografie del post-genocidio, Roma, Meltemi 2009.

Jourdan, L., Generazione Kalashnikov. Un antropologo dentro la guerra in Congo, Bari-Roma, Laterza 2010.

Lan, D., Guns and Rain: Guerrillas and Spirit Mediums in Zimbabwe, Oxford, James Currey 1985.

Richards, P., Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth and Resources in Sierra Leone, Oxford, James Currey 1996.

Trefon, T. (a cura di), Ordre et désordre à Kinshasa. Réponses populaires à la faillite de l'Etat, «Cahiers Africains», n. 61-62, 2004.

Uvin, P, Aiding Violence. The development enterprise in Rwanda, West Hartford, Kumarian Press, 1998.


Office hours

See the website of Luca Jourdan