Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Ivo Stefano Germano
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student should be able to analyze the theoretical-empirical skills in the field of news production, with particular reference to that relating to sport from traditional and digital media.

Course contents

Sports journalism, in the context of news production, is increasingly found in relation to the strategic centrality in the ecosystem of digital platforms. 

The student will have to demonstrate the identify changes in the way sport is communicated through personal and organizational communication, mass media and new media, especially social media.

The course consists of a part of lectures (24 hours) and a seminar section (16 hours) on some particularly representative case histories of current sports journalism.


The texts are: 

1) Sorrentino, S., Splendore, S. (2022). Le vie del giornalismo. Come si raccontano i giornalisti italiani. Il Mulino: Bologna.

2) Colombo, F. (2020). Ecologia dei media. Manifesto per una comunicazione gentile. Vita e Pensiero: Milano.

Il testo di riferimento per la seconda parte del corso è:

3) Germano I.S., Russo G. (2021). Sport influencer: il potere della relazione fra atleta e fan 4.0 in Polesana M.A., Vagni T., (a cura di) “L’influenza digitale. Studi, teorie e ricerche”. Guerini Scientifica: Milano. Pp. 225-239.

Studenti non frequentanti:

1) Sorrentino, S., Splendore, S. (2022). Le vie del giornalismo. Come si raccontano i giornalisti italiani. Il Mulino: Bologna.

2) Colombo, F. (2020). Ecologia dei media. Manifesto per una comunicazione gentile. Vita e Pensiero: Milano.

3) Russo P. (2017). Filippide al pit-stop. Performance e spettacolo nello sport moderno. Editpress: Firenze.

Teaching tools

Lectures, seminars, presentations and discussions by students.

Attending students: Editorial project work on topics and themes of the course (100% of the final grade).

Non-attending students: Oral exam (100% of the final grade).

Video, podcast, sports streaming, sites, social media, tv series, docu-fiction. 


Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Ivo Stefano Germano