13622 - Plant Biology and Animal Biology

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

Aim of the course is to give the basic knowledge concerning the organization of higher plants at cellular and morphological level, and the basic principles which regulate their development. Moreover, simple techniques for the observation of freshly prepared plant materials will be given, with the aim of achieving the ability to recognize the anatomic structures of higher plants.

Course contents

Plant Biology - Autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms. The eukaryotic plant cell; cell wall, vacuole, plastids. Growth and differentiation of plant cell. Tissues of Vascular Plants: meristematic and adult tissues. Simple and complex tissues. Structure and function of the organs of Terrestrial Plants: stem, root and leaf. Primary and secondary structure of Plants: Gymnospermae and Angyospermae, Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons.

Animal biology - Molecules of biological interest: aminoacids and protein structure, glucides and lipids, nucleic acids.

Prokaryotic cell. Eukaryotic cell: cell membrane, structure and function (active, passive, mediated transport, exocytosis, endocytosis). Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, mitochondrion, peroxisomes. Cytoskeleton, microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments. Structure of cilia and flagella. Nucleus: structure of chromosomes and karyotype. DNA duplication and protein synthesis. Genetic code. Cell cycle: mitosis, meiosis. Somatic and germ line. Asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction. Gametogenesis. Fecundation. Parthenogenesis, Gynogenesis, Hybridogenesis.

Mendel: dominance, codominance, incomplete dominance. Gene interactions. Sex linked heredity. Lethal alleles.

Only for students of curriculum Herbal Technichs practical lessons will accompany the frontal lessons starting from the second half of the course program. During these practical lessons, fresh sections from plant tissues and organs will be prepared and observed at the optical microscope. These observations are aimed at recognizing the structure and organization of the plant cell, tissues and organs of plants belonging to Angiospermae and Gymnospermae.  


The text books are mandatory for integrating the material supplied by the teacher.

Animal Biology (one of the following textbooks):

1. Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Hacker - Elementi di biologia e genetica -Zanichelli

2. Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Hacker- BIOLOGIA

                                               1.La cellula

                                              2.L’eredità e il genoma


Plant Biology (one of the following textbooks):

1. Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Hacker- BIOLOGIA

                                              1.La cellula

                                              4.La biologia delle piante

2. Biologia farmaceutica - Alessandro Bruni - Pearson

2. Textbook for the practical part (only for students of curriculum Herbal Techniques): Speranza A., Calzoni G.L. Struttura delle piante in immagini - Zanichelli Editore



Teaching methods

Front lessons will be performed with Power Point slides and projector.


Practical lessons (only for students of curriculum Herbal Technics) will be performed preparing manual sections of fresh plant material. The observation of prepared sections will be performed using the optical microscope indivivìdually or with a classmate.

The attendance of the practical lessons is mandatory for the admission at the exam. The attendance of the frontal lessons is highly recommended.

Depending on the progress of the health emergency linked to COVID-19, the teaching methods may change, and the lessons can be organized online, via the TEAMS platform.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists of a written part, which lasts 60 minutes, and of an oral part, which is mandatory only if the score of the written part is less than 25/30.

The written part is made of 30 questions with multiple response on all parts of the program (1 score per response). The oral part is mandatory only if the score of the written part is < 25/30, and is aimed at a deeper evaluation of the knowledge of the student.

Students must book the examination through the web site Almaesami. Examination sessions will be in the following periods of the year: January/February, March or April, June/July/September, December (not for freshmen).

Examinations will be performed at Palazzo Vespignani , Imola.

Students can hold both parts of the examination (plant biology and animal biology) in the same session or in different sessions, without any priority order. In this case, the second part of the exam must be held within 12 months from the first one. The final score is the average between the two parts. 

Depending on the progress of the health emergency linked to COVID-19, the way the exam is carried out may be different. The written exam will be delivered through the EOL (Online Exams) and Zoom platforms. In this case, the day of the exam the student will find the link to access the Zoom virtual classroom. By accessing EOL with its credentials, the student will have access to the written exam, which will last 50 minutes. In case of oral exam, this will be done through the TEAMS platform.

Teaching tools

The teaching material utilized during the frontal lessons (slides) is  available to students on the Platform IOL. However, this material alone is not enough for a good preparation for the exam and it must be integrated with the text book recommended by the teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Fabiana Antognoni

See the website of Ombretta Marescalchi


Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.