11379 - Medieval History

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)

Learning outcomes

The Course on Medieval History will make students aware of historical knowledge as a tool for the understanding of the present times. Students will be able to distinguish the objectivity of historic events from the subjective forms of narrative and interpretation of history (historiography); will gain awareness of the limits and significances of the term “Medieval Age”; students will learn the main heritages left by the medieval times: a) in the context of the relationship between mankind and environment; b) of the diffusion, cross linkages and conflicts among the great monotheistic religions; c) of the long-term development of the European nation-states; d) of the technological improvements; e)of the sedimentation of the historical heritage of European and Italian arts and architecture. Finally, students will be able to recognize the main signs of the cultural streamlines that have shaped our societies.

Course contents

History of medieval cities is the principal topic of the course, for it will allow to treat the main issues concerning the Medieval Ages: in fact, the development of urban settlements fits exceptionally well the specific characters of the Medieval times, particularly for Italy.

Learning urban evolution means to analyze material structures – to say, the “stone-made” city; buildings, streets and communication networks, infrastructures and public works, land allotment – as well as the “city of people”: institutions, political bodies, laws enactments and administration of justice, economic and demographic dynamics, cultural and religious aspects. In other words, to deal with the issue of urban history – and specifically of medieval cities – means to understand city life and societies, the choices and policies adopted and their consequences on the cities material structures.

The Course will train students to approach Medieval History from the well-known and concrete point of view of historical cities, which original shapes and characters might mainly be traced back to Medieval Ages.

To know the main topics of the Medieval Age, through the analysis of urban history: the crisis of the Roman Empire, the spread of Christianism, the barbaric invasions and the birth of Roman-Germanic kingdoms, the Islamic civilization, the Carolingian Empire, the local powers, the social and economic recovery of the XIth and XIIth centuries, the Communal Age, the religious movements, the XIVth century specific characters, the regional states of Italy;

to learn the special discipline lexicon;

to understand the historical phenomena proper to the topics, and to be able to focus their interrelationship;

to elaborate theoretical summaries and form critical judgements.


Students who have filled the “Portfolio” out (special instructions are to be given at the beginning of the Course) will read:

F. Bocchi, M. Ghizzoni, R. Smurra, Storia delle città italiane dal Tardoantico al primo Rinascimento, Torino, UTET Libreria, 2002

All the other students will read:

F. Bocchi, M. Ghizzoni, R. Smurra, Storia delle città italiane dal Tardoantico al primo Rinascimento, Torino, UTET Libreria, 2002


F. Franceschi, I. Taddei, Le città italiane nel medioevo. XII-XIV secolo, Bologna, il Mulino, 2012

Teaching methods

Classes, general discussions, analyses and comments on documentary and iconographical sources.

Some visits to archaeological sites, historic buildings and museums are also planned.

Assessment methods

Students who are to be filling the “Portfolio” out, are going to do an oral examination on the contents of the text in Bibliography; for the “Portfolio” filling out up to 10 points will be assigned; up to 20 points will be assigned for the oral examination, in order to sum the two scores up to the maximum grade of 30/30.

For all the other students, the end-of-course test is to be based upon an oral examination on the contents of the texts in the above Bibliography, with a grade up to the maximum of 30/30.

Generally speaking, the final examination is aimed to check the knowledge of the programme topics and the critical and methodological skills acquired by the student.

A systemic, in-depth envision of the Course contents and their critical analyses, joint with a fluency and mastery of the specific lexicon will allow the recognition of a grade of excellence; mechanical and/or mnemonic knowledge of the topic, along a not articulated synthesis or analysis capability and/or a not completely appropriate lexicon are to allow the assignment of a fair grade; a partial knowledge of the topic contents and a just but not disciplinary lexicon are to allow the assignment of a passing grade.

Diversely able or special needs students would kindly contact professor Ghizzoni, in order to be provided the best available compensatory strategy or learning tools.

Teaching tools

Projector, pc with Internet linking.

Teaching material (e.g. pdf files with summaries of classes and with primary sources or background materials) is to become available on IOL platform (Insegnamenti online).

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Ghizzoni


Quality education Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.