11336 - Culture Economics

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Management for Social Economy (cod. 8843)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to deepen the logic of operation, management and economic-financial problems, the processes of production, distribution and consumption of products and services in the artistic-cultural and creative industries sectors. At the end of the course the student: - deepens the link that exists between art and economy starting from the role that creativity and culture have in defining the value chain of contemporary products and in purchasing and consumption behaviors; - knows the characteristics of cultural enterprises and economic reasons for public intervention in the sector and analyzes the main markets of the arts and culture (cultural goods and heritage, visual arts, performing arts, cultural industries); - reflects on the possibilities of culture as a factor of local development, with particular attention to the role of cultural organizations and events in urban regeneration, with a view to place marketing, social inclusion, tourist attractiveness and the offer of cultural production and consumption opportunities.

Course contents

The lessons will be organized following the main texts indicated in the bibliography. Some themes will be deepened with chapters of additional texts that are indicated, for the sole purpose of further study, in this syllabus: 1. Introduction to the course. The nature of the discipline; the characteristics of the cultural good / product; organizational forms. 2. Culture and local development (chapter 3, Solima L., Management of the cultural enterprise, Carocci Editore; first part, Culture and Local Development, edited by Sacco PL, Ferilli G., Tavano Blessi G., Il Mulino publisher). 3. Live entertainment and festivals (chapter 8, Chuck Tryon, Cultura on Demand, MinimunFax) 4. Cultural industries: the example of the film industry (1) (Cinema and the visual arts, Costa A., Einaudi; The new Hollywood, King G., Einaudi; American independent cinema, King G., Einaudi; The culture of Europeans, Sassoon D., Bur; chap. 7- 8, Streamin Revolution, Corvi E., It Happened Tomorrow publisher) 5. Cultural industries: the example of the film industry (2) 6. The art market and the artistic heritage 7. Cultural policies and participation (Unpacking 'Participation': models, meanings and practices Cornwall A., Oxford University Press and Community Development Journal) 8. Design Thinking laboratory applied to cultural problems (1) 9. Design Thinking laboratory applied to cultural problems (2) 10. Impact of culture on consumption practices and circular economy (The revolution starts from your wardrobe, Ciuni L., Spadafora M., Solferino Editore, 2020; The sustainable utopia, Giovannini E., Editori Laterza, 2020) Conclusions


L'economia della cultura, Benhamou F., Il Mulino editore, 2020;

La cultura orizzontale, Solimine G., Zanchini G., Editori Laterza, 2020.

Teaching methods

Face-to-face and online teaching.

Teaching tools

Blackboard and short films. Slides are not used.

Office hours

See the website of Sabrina Pedrini


Quality education Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.