00498 - Hygiene

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student: has acquired basic knowledge of health determinants, prevention, health education; knows the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and non-infectious diseases and to promote the childhood wellbeing in community pre-school services.

Course contents

Introduction to Hygiene– Definition of the concept of health, prevention, health education.

General aspects of infectious diseases: microorganisms, host-parasite relationships, organism's biological defences.

General epidemiology of infectious diseases: sources of infection, transmission modalities, favouring conditions.

Infectious disease prevention: vaccine prophylaxis, schedule for vaccines in newborns; seroprophylaxis, notification, isolation, disinfection, sterilization, disinfestation.

Epidemiology and prevention of most important childhood infectious diseases which can be transmitted through respiratory secretions (chickenpox), through oro-fecal way (acute gastroenteritis).

Epidemiology and prevention of parasitic diseases: pediculosis, oxyuriasis.

Prevention and control measures in nursery services: behaviour of educators, child hygiene, exclusion from and readmission to communities.

Nutrition hygiene: main nutrients, indications for correct nutrition. Nutrition in nursery service: breastfeeding and artificial, weaning, special diets.

Food hygiene: food safety, foodborne deseases, methods of conservation and food control.

Noninfectious diseases of particular relevance to children: childhood obesity.  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)




Testo di riferimento:

  • Barbuti S, Fara GM, Giammanco G, Carducci A, Coniglio MA, D’Alessandro D, Montagna MT, Tanzi ML, Zotti CM. “Igiene” Terza edizione, 2011, Monduzzi Editore

On line:

  • Azienda Usl di Bologna "La pediculosi del capo”: www.comune.bologna.it/media/files/pediculosi_a_scuola.pdf
  • Ministero della Salute SIDS https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/saluteBambinoAdolescente/dettaglioContenutiSaluteBambinoAdolescente.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=1923&area=saluteBambino&menu=nascita
  • Ministero della Salute Quaderni del Ministero della Salute n.25 ottobre 2015: cap.2 "Breast feeding"; cap.3 "Children’s nutrition http://www.quadernidellasalute.it/portale/quaderni/dettaglioQuaderni.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=2556
  • Associazione Culturale Pediatri (ACP) (2017) "Il punto di vista dell'ACP sull'alimentazione complementare "https://www.acp.it/wp-content/uploads/Doc_Alimentazione_complementare_ACP_rev_7dic.pdf

    Teaching methods

    Frontal lectures, video, seminars.

    Lectures are given in Italian Language.

    ERASMUS student: It is strongly suggested to attend lectures

    In case of problems in attending the lectures, contact the professor via e-mail.

    Assessment methods

    The learning assessment method is agreed with the teacher 

    Criteria to assess exam will be:

    - clarity in the presentation of the contents;
    - ability to link the main issues;
    - critical analysis of the repercussions of the topics studied within community pre-school services and for the training of educator professionalism.

    The final vote will be expressed in thirtieths (30/30).

    The maximum possible score is 30, the minimum to pass is 18.

    If rejected at the exam, it is possible to have a second chance.

    To support the exam registration is required through Bulletin Board, in compliance with mandatory deadlines. Those who failed to register for technical issues by the due date, shall communicate promptly (and in any case before the formal closure of the registration lists) the problem to the academic office. The teacher's right to admit or not the student to the examination.

    Teaching tools

    Videoprojector, PC.

    Further teaching materials will be uploaded on Virtuale UNIBO platform

    Office hours

    See the website of Rossella Sacchetti


    Good health and well-being Clean water and sanitation Responsible consumption and production

    This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.