Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)

Learning outcomes

The course introduces the basic knowledge for data analysis using the statistical software package Stata. By the end of the course, the student: (i) has gained a good level of familiarity with the program's interface; (ii) knows how to import databases and perform essential data management operations; (iii) is capable of creating and recoding variables, as well as preparing the final data file for statistical analysis; (iv) performs main mono and bivariate statistical analyses and can accurately interpret the results; (v) is able to independently acquire more advanced skills in using Stata for multivariate statistical analysis."

Course contents

The course is designed for those who possess theoretical knowledge regarding the method and techniques of social research but have not yet developed empirical skills specifically related to data analysis and interpretation. The course is structured in two different teaching phases.

The first phase focuses on reading and discussing two papers that use quantitative methods and analyze data with regression techniques. The first of these papers concerns the link between residential segregation and the stop rate by the New York police. The second paper is an attempt to empirically test David Graeber's "bullshit jobs" hypothesis. The first 10 hours of lectures will be mainly dedicated to the connection between the theoretical and empirical frameworks to better understand the methodological choices made by the authors.

The second phase involves replicating the results of these papers using the STATA analysis software. The last 10 hours of lectures will be dedicated to: i) manipulating the data and recoding the variables, ii) using the analysis techniques employed in the two papers and discussed in the first phase of the program, iii) interpreting the data in light of the discussion held


Schenker, L. et al. (2023). Segregation and “Out-of-Placeness”: The Direct Effect of Neighborhood Racial Composition on Police Stops. Political Research Quarterly, 76 (4), pp.1646–1660. Available at: doi:10.1177/10659129231171516.

Walo, S. (2023). ‘Bullshit’ After All? Why People Consider Their Jobs Socially Useless. Work, Employment and Society, 37 (5), pp.1123–1146. Available at: doi:10.1177/09500170231175771.

Corbetta, P. (2015). La ricerca sociale: metodologia e tecniche. L’analisi dei dati (Vol. 4). 2° edizione. Il Mulino.

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures, practical exercises on the use of statistical analysis software guided by the instructor. Active participation of students in the laboratory activities will be encouraged.

The software STATA (SE version) can be downloaded for free by accessing this link: https://www.unibo.it/secure/software-stata/ using your Unibo credentials.

Assessment methods

Assessment of preparation and acquired skills during the laboratory activities will take place through both a practical exercise at the end of the course and activities/exercises throughout the course. The practical exercise aims to verify that the student has acquired the ability to perform univariate and bivariate statistical analyses on survey data, and to present and interpret the results of these analyses through tables.

To obtain the final result registration, you must register for the first exam session, but physical presence will not be required.

Teaching tools

STATA software available to students and PowerPoint presentations.

Office hours

See the website of Lorenzo Cattani


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.