40136 - AFPG - Lab-based Course on Structural Diagnostics I

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 9265)

Learning outcomes

The course consists in learning methods relating to the Non-Destructive Techniques (NDT), with particular reference to the diagnosis of reinforced concrete structures, the selection of areas to be investigated and instruments to use, limitations and advantages of each technique of investigation and interpretation of data. The analysis is aimed to understand the mechanical properties and characteristics of concrete. These tests, which will be carried out also in the course of visits to construction sites, are intended to determine certain parameters necessary for the characterization of the material from the mechanical point of view.

Course contents

  • Fundamentals of Structural Diagnostics.
  • Purpose of Non-Destructive Structural Diagnostics on concrete elements.
  • Elements of European Standards and Italian Guidelines.
  • SonReb Method.
  • Explanation of the parameters necessery to define the mechanical characteristics of concrete.


No textbooks are required for the course; all teaching materials will be provided via internet (AMS Campus - AlmaDL - Università di Bologna).

Optional Textbooks:

  • J.H. Bungey, "Non-destructive Testing in Civil Engineering", The British Institute NDT, 1993;
  • G. Menditto, S. Menditto, "Indagini semidistruttive e non distruttive nell'ingegneria civile: disciplina tecnica, applicativa e normativa", Pitagora, Bologna, 2008.

Teaching methods

The course of 2CFU is divided in 1CFU of lectures and 1CFU of lab sessions.
Lectures will concern the topics of the curriculum referring to Non-Destructive Structural Diagnostics on concrete elements.
During lab sessions tests will be performed, data elaborated and discussed.
All sessions will devote large space to discussion among peers and with the teacher.

Assessment methods

Assessment will be carried out at the end of the course, through presentations by the students' groups, and in the final individual examination, to be carried out orally, by discussing on topics related to the main course contents and their NDT tests.

Teaching tools

Teaching materials will be available from http://campus.unibo.it/

Office hours

See the website of Mario Bonagura


Quality education Gender equality Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.