93058 - Interpretation From Russian (Language B) Into Italian Ii

Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

Students know and can use the basic techniques of conference interpreting (consecutive and simultaneous interpreting) from Russian into Italian in a wide range of professional settings.

Course contents

Russian-Italian contrastive analysis for Interpreting.

Enhancing documentation skills and terminological work.

Enhancing note-taking for consecutive interpreting.

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting in specialty fields, such as macroeconomics, energy policy, environment and ecology, social themes, education and latest news.


Alekseeva, I.S. “Professional'nyj trening perevodčika”, Sankt-Peterburg: Izdatel'stvo “Sojuz”, 2004.

Černov, G.V. “Teorija i praktika sinchronnogo perevoda”, Moskva: URSS, 2007.

Falbo C., Russo M. e Straniero Sergio F. “Interpetazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche”, Milano: Hoepli, 2008.

Ščekina, I.A., “Ital'janskij jazyk. Ustnyj perevod”, Moskva: “Vysšaja Škola”, 1986.

Teaching methods

Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting exercises with authentic texts (radio and TV interviews, debates, conferences), sometimes using ppt presentations.

Before facing a given area of study, its terminological aspects will be analyzed by preparing specific glossaries.

Assessment methods

The exam will consist in a consecutive interpretation of about 7 minutes and a simultaneous interpretation of 12-14 minutes of texts of specialist topics.

Students will have to demonstrate a full mastery of the simultaneous and consecutive interpretation techniques (according to the marking criteria at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/scic/docs/become_an_interpreter/criteres_de_notation_versionlongue_fr.pdf). Particular focus will be put on the professionality of the presentation and on the correct use of language and terminology.

Highest marks in student’s performance (28 to 30 with honours) : complete and accurate rendering of the source language text into the target language; language and register must be appropriate: the rendering can contain minor grammar or pronunciation mistakes only. Rendering in consecutive mode must not be longer than the original speech.

In order to obtain 25-27 (good) or 21-24 (fair) : there can be omissions or inaccuracies in the student’s performance, provided they are not serious; there can be mistakes or distortions provided they do not cause a complete loss of cohesion and of the main rhetorical features of the original speech; there can be some inaccuracies in register and language; the rendering can contain minor grammar, syntax or pronunciation mistakes. Rendering in consecutive mode must not be longer than the original speech.

In order to obtain a pass (18 to 20), the rendering may contain omissions and distortions but overall it should convey the content of the original speech; language and register may show inaccuracies but should not undermine the comprehension of the rendering: there can be grammar, syntax and pronunciation mistakes. Rendering in consecutive mode must not be longer than the original speech.

Teaching tools

Consecutive and simultaneous interpretation of recorded (mainly) and printed conference speeches of specialist topics.

Material used during lessons is made available to the students via the Moodle platform: https://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it

Office hours

See the website of Helena Saturni Hakimi Tabrizi


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