Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Federica Zanetti (Modulo 1) Elena Pacetti (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes (cod. 8780)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students: - they will know, understand and analyze the complexity of the assumptions that interact in a learning environment for adults; - they will know, understand and analyze the theoretical assumptions and debates on educational environments for lifelong learning and continuing education; - they will understand and analyze the approaches and teaching models for lifelong learning and continuing education; - they will know and be able to analyze best practices of educational interventions for the promotion of personal social and professional development; - they will understand the specific elements of teaching and Learning strategies for adults (objectives, methods, tools, resources, time, etc.., and their interdependence); - they will know how to activate synergies, for complex learning environments; - they will be able to design specific learning situation in presence and blended, related to particular educational and training contexts, in a cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach; - they willbe able to define the necessary functionality to the learning environment in relation to the structure of communication (video conferencing, virtual classrooms, interactions with tutors, chat rooms, message boards, email, etc.); - they will be able to analyze the quality of formal learning situations and their connection with the non-formal and informal learning; - they will be able to analyze the quality of learning and teaching materials and of the educational relationships; - they willbe able to recognize the characteristics of human resources appropriate for the development of a specific learning context; - they will know how to coordinate the learning and teaching activities of several trainers to achieve consistent educational processes; - they will be able to identify the training needs for their cultural and professional development.

Course contents

The course faces teaching and learning contents in the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning. In this process, which involves individuals trough the course of their lives, it is necessary to activate appropriate strategies and tools to the goals toward which they are oriented, and the creation of conditions for the development of the real possibilities of learning as active subjects in the full exercise of responsibilities and potentialities.

The analysis of teaching and communication strategies for adults lies in a complex scenario, characterized by an increasing discontinuity in the paths of life; from the challenges of the knowledge society and the rapid dissemination of digital tools and connective and interactive forms of communication. The educational process can be considered, in fact, real "communication events" that need a new and specific communication and interpersonal skills.

Module 1 (Prof. Federica Zanetti)

In the perspective of adults education, we will analyze the characteristics of the educational  formal, non-formal and informal processes, highlighting the goals due to the possibility:

- to faces the challenges of change,  mainly in economic and working contexts;
- to exercise a right of citizenship in the political, cultural and social contexts;
- to give meaning to the learning process, as innovative and creative process.

Module 2 (Prof. Elena Pacetti)

The educational challenge represented by the new tools for production and dissemination of culture will be analyzed, faced with the diffusion of new information and communication Technologies.

In particular, the course will deepen:

- the characteristics of formal, non-formal and informal formation in virtual environments;
- teaching and learning strategies;
- the training issues related to the e-learning perspectives and the ICT.


Module 1 with Prof. Zanetti

Compulsory textes for all students:

Bochicchio, F., Rivoltella, P.C. (2017) (a cura di). L'agire organizzativo. Manuale per i professionisti della formazione. Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana. (with particular reference to the chapters from 1 to 5 e from 8 to 12)

Gallino, L., Ceri, P. (a cura di), L'impresa responsabile. Un'intervista su Adriano Olivetti, Torino, Einaudi, 2014.

Text at your choice:

Alessandrini, G., Nuovo manuale per l'esperto dei processi formativi, Milano, Carocci, 2016.

De Biase, L., HOMO PLURALIS. Esseri umani nell'era tecnologica, Codice Edizioni, 2015 (acquistabile anche in formato Kindle su Amazon.it). 

Priulla, G., C'è differenza. Identità di genere e linguaggi: storie, corpi, immagini e parole, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013 (disponibile anche in E-book).

S. Rodotà, Il mondo nella rete. Quali diritti, quali vincoli?, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2014.

De Sario, P., L'intelligenza di unire. Rotture e divisioni: l'efficacia collettiva per i gruppi di lavoro, Milano, Mimesis, 2017.

Module 2 with Prof. Pacetti

Compulsory textes for all students:

Bochicchio, F., Rivoltella, P.C. (2017) (a cura di). L'agire organizzativo. Manuale per i professionisti della formazione. Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana. (with particular reference to chapter 6 and 7 and from 13 to 19)

Text at your choice:

1. Bonaiuti, G. (2014). Le strategie didattiche. Roma: Carocci Faber.

2. Bonaiuti, G., Dipace, A. (2021). Insegnare e apprendere in aula e in rete. Per una didattica blended efficace. Roma: Carocci.

3. All following articles

Ferrari, S. (2019). Mediamorfosi dell'e-learning (pp.95-109; Garavaglia, A. (2019). Ambienti di apprendimento (pp.111-124). In Rivoltella, P.C., Rossi, P.G. (a cura di). Tecnologie per l'educazione. Milano: Pearson (in piattaforma Moodle)

Maragliano, R., & Pireddu, M. (2016). Ripensare il medium didattico. Mediascapes journal, (5), 3-11. Disponibile online su https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/13253

De Baggis, M. (2016). Imparami l'Internet. Mediascapes journal, (5), 54-61. Disponibile online su https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/13241

Ceretti, F. (2016). Video-educar (si). Dal Digital Video Sharing (DVS) alla meducazione. Mediascapes journal, (5), 126-140. Disponibile online su https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/13247

Chirchiano, E. (2016). Personal Learning. L'uso spontaneo dei social media per l'apprendimento. Mediascapes journal, (5), 141-148. Disponibile online su https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/13248


Erasmus students are kindly request to contact Prof. Federica Zanetti and Elena Pacetti to agree with them a specific programme.



Teaching methods

The course is based on a participatory and active teaching approach. The classroom becomes a place more and more focused on teaching methods and strategies able to encourage and facilitate the learning process in their link with the territory, with what's beyond the classroom. Lectures will be integrated by deepening classes and active role of the students in the analysis of the problems and innovative experiences. Students will be involved through discussions, case studies (also presented as privileged witnesses and experts), cooperative group-works.

Assessment methods

The exam will consist of an oral and individual examination (with a vote expressed in thirtieths).

Teaching tools

 During the lectures, technological devices and material for teamwork will be used. The lectures will be integrated with documentaries and films and deepening classes.

Office hours

See the website of Federica Zanetti

See the website of Elena Pacetti


Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.