42394 - Internship 2 (BO)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

To the term of "practical training of second year" the student has to collect clinicians data of the rehabilitative user, to apply the modalities of evaluations of the customer affection from the main rehabilitative pathologies proposed during the course of studies, to be able to set up the treatment plan on the base of the evaluating process, characterizing objects at a short, medium and long term, to be able to perform kinesitherapy, massotherapy and physiotherapy, to know and to execute some of the main rehabilitative treatment manoeuvres, between those proposed during the course of studies, under the guide of the tutor. To be able to evaluate the answers to the rehabilitative operation recording the modifications during and to the end of the same one. To act in coherence way with the ethical, deontological and disciplinary principles. To recognize and to respect the role and the own competences of the other team components, establishing collaborative relations, to interact and to collaborate actively with the interprofessional team with the aim of programming and managing inter-multidisciplinari rehabilitative operations. To collect clinicians data of the rehabilitative user using cards collected in a organic and complete way and using a suitable language.

Course contents

Internship 2 takes place in hospital and health structures, also at home of the patients. The areas of the clinical practice are: neurology, orthopaedics, rehabilitation, paediatrics and geriatrics


We recommand the textbooks suggested by the teacher of each subject

Teaching methods

The internship is presented in a briefing where are shared the structures, the didactic objective and the assessed methods

The clinical practice is attended with a tutorial teaching.

At the end of the internship is planned a debriefing to share the experiences of the students

Assessment methods

Each internship provide an assessment made by the tutors through a contract which contains every single didactic objective.

At the end of the is scheduled a practical examination

Teaching tools

Internship contract. For the internship is provided a tutorship by a physiotherapist trained to be e clinical teacher as required by actual law (D.M. 270/04)

Office hours

See the website of Adriana Semprini


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.