12693 - Contemporary History (1) (A-F)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 0956)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to tell the different dimensions and the great trends of development of the contemporary world. This course introduces students to the analysis 20th century history. A special attention will be paid to political-institutional systems. The chronology of the course ranges from the beginning of the XX Century to the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989). The course provide a compared analysis of the main historical events which concerned Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia and US.

Course contents

The course chronologically retrace the main junctions of contemporary political history (from the first decade of the twentieth century to the fall of the Berlin Wall), through a comparative analysis of the most significant historical events that have affected the European context and the main extra-European realities. The course will be divided into two parts. The first part will analyse the political transformations in Europe at the beginning of the XX century, the interwar period and the totalitarian political systems during the Twenties and Thirties. The second part of the course will focus on the Second post-war period, with particular attention on Cold War, transformation in European political systems and the development of Italian republican democracy.



1- Fulvio Cammarano, Giulia Guazzaloca, Maria Serena Piretti , Storia contemporanea dal XIX al XXI secolo, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2015 (attending students: chapters 5-15).

Non-attending students have to study the whole textbook



Each student (both attending and non-attending students) will be expected to study one monograph


Botta S., Politica e calamità. Il governo dell'emergenza naturale e sanitaria nell'Italia liberale, Rubettino, 2013.

Brizzi R., L'uomo dello schermo. De Gaulle e i media, Il Mulino, 2010.

Brizzi R. e Sbetti N., Storia della Coppa del mondo di calcio (1930-2018). Politica, sport, globalizzazione, Le Monnier, 2018.

Cammarano F., Cavazza S. (a cura di), Il nemico in politica, Il Mulino, 2010.

Cammarano F., Storia politica dell'Italia liberale, Laterza, 2011.

Cavazza S., Dimensione massa, Il Mulino, 2004.

Gentile E., La via italiana al totalitarismo. Il partito e lo stato nel regime fascista, Carocci, 2008.

Formigoni G., Aldo Moro. Lo statista e il suo dramma, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016.

Marchi M., Alla ricerca del cattolicesimo politico. Politica e religione in Francia da Petain a de Gaulle, Rubbettino, 2012.

Pombeni P. (a cura di), Storia dei partiti italiani, Il Mulino, 2016.

Pons S., La rivoluzione globale. Storia del comunismo internazionale 1917-1991, Einaudi, 2012

P. Scoppola, La Repubblica dei partiti. Evoluzione e crisi di un sistema politico, 1945-1996, Il Mulino, 2006.

C. Sorba, Il melodramma della nazione. Politica e sentimenti nell’età del Risorgimento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2015.

Teaching methods

15 two hours classes

Official language: Italian

Assessment methods

Oral examination.

It will be assessed as excellent the performance of those students achieving an organic vision of the course contents, the use of a proper specific language, a structural and historical-contextual understanding of the subjects studied, the originality of the reflection as well as the familiarity with the tools of analysis of 20th century political history. It will be assessed as discrete the performance of those students showing mostly mechanical or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, not articulated synthesis and analysis capabilities, a correct but not always appropriate language, as well as a scholastic study of 20th century political history. It will be assessed as barely sufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, lack of knowledge of the instruments of 20th century political history. It will be assessed as insufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, no orientation within the recommended bibliography and inability to analyse 20th century political history.

Teaching tools

Powerpoint presentations

Office hours

See the website of Riccardo Brizzi