02609 - Contemporary Italian Literature (G-N)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 5821)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 0956)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course the student: has a non-abstract and non-manualistic awareness of the main lines of development of Italian literary culture from National Unity to the present day; knows how to apply appropriate methods of analysis to the literary text in prose and verse, distinguishing its relations with different linguistic, artistic and cultural traditions; is able to read the literary text as an open form, in dialogue with the ideological and social horizon of his time, against the background of the wider European context.

Course contents


Course title: Italian Culture and the Colonial Heritage

The recent passing of historian Angelo Del Boca, maximum scholar of Italian Colonialism, offers an occasion to study, starting from one of his most appreciated works, entitled Italiani, brava gente?, a dramatic and still removed or misrepresented part of italian history, the colonization in Africa between the late XIXth Century and the Thirties of XXth Century. While the present political situation in Italy shows every day more and more raging episods of racism and sexism, this course would like to try the recovering of a more objective historical knowledge through the words of male and female writers telling the thruth about colonialism as a whole and in particular about italian colonialism, its war crimes, its brutality, its injustice. 



Literary texts:

Students will fully read in italian three of the following books:

E. Flaiano, Tempo di uccidere (1947), Milano, Adelphi, 2020

Wu Ming 2, Antar Marincola, Timira. Romanzo meticcio, Torino, Einaudi, 2012

I. Scego, La linea del colore, Milano, Bompiani, 2020

G. Ghermandi, Regina di fiori e di perle, Roma, Donzelli, 2011

C. Lucarelli, L’ottava vibrazione, Torino, Einaudi, 2008

G. Caminito, La grande A, Firenze, Giunti, 2021


Critical essays:

a) A. Del Boca, Italiani, brava gente? Vicenza, Neri Pozza, 2005

b) V. Deplano, A. Pes, Quel che resta dell'impero. La cultura coloniale degli Italiani, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2015


The students who cannot attend the course will also read:: Nicola Labanca, Oltremare. Storia della espansione coloniale italiana, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012

Most of the books in this bibliography are available at Libreria Ubik – via Irnerio 27, or can also be found in the FICLIT Library, the BDU Library, the BUB Library: please check the National OPAC website (www.sbn.it) or the Polo Bolognese OPAC website (https://sol.unibo.it).

Teaching methods

The professor will hold 30 lectures of 2 hours each. Discussion will be encouraged immediately after.


Tuesday 3,00 - 5, 00 P.M. SALA BERTI
Via Ludovico Berti, 2/7 - Bologna

Thursday 11,00 A.M - 1.00 P.M SALA BERTI
Via Ludovico Berti, 2/7 - Bologna

Friday 11,00 A.M. - 1,00 P.M. SALA BERTI
Via Ludovico Berti, 2/7 - Bologna

Lessons begins on:

Tuesday, February 1th, 2022 (II semester)

Assessment methods

The written test consists in a paper (5-7 standard pages, approximately 10.000/14.000 keystrokes, characters including spaces) about one or more arguments of the course. The paper must be previuosly approved by the teacher and must be send with an e-mail atttachment at least 10 days before the oral test.
The oral test consists in an oral interview which has the aim of evaluating the critical and methodological ability of the students. The students will be invited to discuss the tests on the course programme. The student must demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of the bibliography in the course programme. Those students who are able to demonstrate a wide and systematic understanding of the issues covered during the lessons, are able to use these critically and who master the field-specific language of the discipline will be given a mark of excellence.
Those students who demonstrate a mnemonic knowledge of the subject with a more superficial analytical ability and ability to synthesize, a correct command of the language but not always appropriate, will be given a ‘fair' mark. A superficial knowledge and understanding of the material, a scarce analytical and expressive ability that is not always appropriate will be rewarded with a pass mark or just above a pass mark.

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC, overhead projector, eventually slides and notes from the lessons.

Office hours

See the website of Luigi Weber


Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.