Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

Students are given the necessary strategies, techniques and tools to perform liaison/dialogue interpreting. They are required to understand and comply with professional ethics and standards of practice and are expected to be able to perform interpreting in bilingual and intercultural settings.

Course contents

Languages: Français & Italiano

The 40-hours module (with 20 hours in the co-presence of PhD Marie-Line Zucchiatti https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/marieline.zucchiatti, which takes place during the second semester, and is part of the French Language and Dialogue Interpreting III course (French second language), is aimed at further developing skills, strategies and techniques needed to perform dialogue interpreting in French-speaking and italian healthcare setting. The module includes general language (vocabulary, terminology, syntax, idiomatic expressions, fraseological units) and cultural improvement, with a specific focus on oral language, both in French and Italian, and with an emphasis on specific semantic areas and topics dealt with the module. Students, in addition to being taught practical and theoretical aspects of dialogue interpreting in healthcare settings, will be made aware of ethical & quality standards and best practices in order to understand the role and responsibilities of a community interpreter.

Course timetable : see right side

Office hours: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/elio.ballardini/

French Language Work:

The course is supported by a Lettorato di lingua francese, a specific 20-hours French language work carried out in the second semester by : PhD Walter Julien Alberisio.


Ballardini E. (1998). "La traduzione a vista nella formazione degli interpreti". Intralinea, 1. http://www.intralinea.org

Carraro-Tomanek, A. (2001). Manuale dell’interprete di trattativa. Milano: Arcipelago Edizioni.

Cavagnoli, S. (2006) La comunicazione specialistica. Roma: Carocci.

Chessa F. (2012). Interpretazione dialogica. Le competenze per la mediazione linguistica, Roma: Carocci.

Del Rosso G.. (1997). "L'interprete di trattativa". In L. Gran & A. Riccardi (a cura di). Nuovi orientamenti negli studi sull'interpretazione, SERT6, Università degli studi di Trieste. 237-249.

Gentile, A., Ozolins, U. & Vasilakakos, M. (1996). Liaison Interpreting. A Handbook, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C., (1990, 1992, 1994). Les interactions verbales, tomes 1, 2, 3. Paris : A. Colin. Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C., (1996). La conversation. Paris : Le Seuil, Coll. Memo.

Mazzetti M. (2003). Il dialogo transculturale. Manuale per operatori sanitari e altre professioni di aiuto. Roma, Carocci Faber.

Ozolins, U. (1995). “Liaison Interpreting: Theoretical Challenges and Practical Problems Around the World”. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 3: 2, 153-160.

Parnell, A. (1989). “Liaison interpreting as Language Teaching Technique”. In L.Gran & J. Dodds. 253-256.

Pointurier S. (2016). Théories et pratiques de l’interprétation de service public. Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Wadensjö, C. (1998). Interpreting as interaction. Londra e New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Villano P., Riccio B. (2008). Culture e mediazioni. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Teaching methods

Didactics will consist in a theoretical introduction and a practical training with various exercises, such as comprehension and reformulation of oral texts, rephrasing, sight translation (both from and into French), memorisation, summarisation, cloze tests. Authentic material or simulations close to real-life dialogue situations, bilingual interviews and a full range of professionals bilingual scenarios will be performed, and students will be asked to play an active role within as dialogue interpreters.

Assessment methods

The exam will consist of:

Sight translation Italian>French

Sight translation French>Italian

Bidirectional (Italian-French) interpreting in healthcare setting.

French Dialogue Interpreting II (second language) module is part, with French Language and Culture III (second language) module, of the French Language and Dialogue Interpreting III (second language) course.

The overall mark for the whole course is calculated by averaging the marks a candidate receives in the two constituent modules.

Score scale for Dialogue Interpreting between French and Italian II, Second language :

30-30 cum laude: Excellent. Student demonstrates a full knowledge of dialogue interpreting skills, perfect oral language production with clear and fluent delivery, high quality management of the interlingual and intercultural interaction in a healthcare setting.

27-29: 'Very good' mark. Student demonstrates a very good knowledge of dialogue interpreting skills, oral language production with minor errors, and manage very well the interlingual and intercultural interaction in a healthcare setting.

24-26: 'good' mark. Student demonstrates a good knowledge of dialogue interpreting skills, good oral language production with some problems, an essentially correct ability to manage the interlingual and intercultural interaction in a healthcare setting.

21-23: 'average' mark. Student demonstrates evident problems and imprecisions in dialogue interpreting, innacurate oral language production, and limited capacity to manage the interlingual and intercultural interaction in a healthcare setting.

18-20: 'Pass' mark. Student demonstrate basic but superficial abilities in dialogue interpreting, with major grammatical, lexical or phonological errors, an oral production difficult to understand, and a limited ability to manage the interlingual and intercultural interaction in a healthcare setting.

Fail mark: Student is unable to adequataly perform french/italian dialogue interpreting in a healthcare setting.

Teaching tools

he course will use texts taken from the Italian and French-speaking press, audiovisual material and linguistic interactions taken from or inspired by real professional situations in the Italian and French-speaking healthcare setting.

Office hours

See the website of Elio Ballardini


Good health and well-being Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.