82309 - Pedagogy and Social Marginalization

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the theoretical framework and the main openings of re-educational intervention identified by phenomenological pedagogy in order to interpret and intervene towards difficult subjects; - has in-depth knowledge of relational re-educational strategies addressed both to the individual and to a group of individuals and has skills to direct the re-educational process towards experiences of awareness and assumption of responsibility; - is able to apply the knowledge acquired in care practices, counselling, helping relationships; - has adequate knowledge and skills to interact with difficult subjects with a reflexive and problematic attitude, because it recognizes the risks that are consequent to different forms of prejudice, social and cultural conditioning and stigmatization, ideological drifts; - has adequate knowledge and skills in the field of adult education, both in heteroformative and self-training; - knows how to place the knowledge learned in different contexts and types of service, at the relational, organizational and coordination level.

Course contents

The course proposes a review of theoretical models to interpret the concept of marginality and operational perspectives that can be implemented in education to reduce the phenomena of disadvantage, difficulty, marginality.

The first part of the course will be dedicated: to the analysis of the main theoretical and interpretative strands that in the humanities have contributed to the interpretation of the phenomena of marginality and social deviance; to the definition of the specificities, competences and contexts that characterize the pedagogical work.

The second part foresees the study of operative contexts and methodological approaches in which the educational intervention can be concretized in order to reduce the phenomena of discomfort, difficulty, marginality, such as communities for minors, prison, street work. Therefore, the coordinates of various types of intervention will be analysed also through testimonies of operational experiences.

A special space will be dedicated to nature-based approaches and experiential methodologies used in extracurricular socio-educational contests.


Study texts (all required)

  • Barone P., (2011), Pedagogia della marginalità e della devianza. Modelli teorici e specificità minorile, Guerini Scientifica, Milano. Da pag. 23 a pag. 136 (totale 113 pagine)
  • Dozza L., Cerocchi L., (2018), Contesti educativi per il sociale . Progettualità, professioni e setting per il benessere individuale e di comunità., Franco Angeli, Milano. Solo le seguenti parti (totale 185 pagine): 

o Professioni educative per il sociale: progettualità, setting educativo. Liliana Dozza (p.26-49)

o La relazione educativa: variabili esterne e interne. (p. 49-73)

o Lo Spazio Neutro e l’Educativa Domiciliare, Alessandro D’Antone (p. 111-121)

o La comunità educativa per minori, Laura Cerrocchi (p. 129-152)

o Il Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile, Elena Dondi (p. 175-183)

o Il carcere. Ora istituto di prevenzione e pena: quale rieducazione? Liliana Dozza (p. 187-204)

o Il SerDP e la comunità terapeutica per tossicodipendenti. Ilaria Ricchi (p. 230-240)

o Educare “fuori”: strategie integrate di lavoro di strada, sviluppo di comunità e adventure education, Alessandra Gigli (p. 309-317)

o Bande e bullismo, Laura Cerrocchi (p. 318-333)

o I gruppi di auto e mutuo-aiuto. Riccardo Manzini (p. 334-344)

o Spazi di cura narrativa. Sul confine dell’educazione, oltre i confini dell’emergenza. Elena Zizioli (p. 344-354)

o Educazione in emergenza: l’intervento pedagogico nelle situazioni di catastrofe, Alessandro Vaccarelli (p. 355-365)

  • Galiazzo M., (2018), Giochi per adulti in natura 2 Equilibero e le pratiche educative, Persiani Editore, Bologna. Da pag. 31 a pag. 118 (totale 87 pagine)
  • Gigli A., Melotti G., Borelli C., (2020) Lo stato dell’arte dei progetti nature-based in ambito educativo, formativo, terapeutico e ricreativo in Italia: quadro concettuale e una possibile categorizzazione dei settori/contesti. [https://cris.unibo.it/handle/11585/764750] In «FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO», 2020, XVIII – 1 – 2020. (articolo) (16 pagine)
  • Melotti G., Gigli A., Borelli C., (2020), Lo stato dell’arte dei progetti nature-based in ambito educativo, formativo, terapeutico e ricreativo in Italia: i dati di una ricerca di mappatura. In FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO», 2020, XVIII – 2 – 2020. (articolo) (14 pagine)

Teaching methods

The presentation of the contents through lectures will be accompanied by presentations, film and video visions, in-depth readings and meetings with experts.

Methods used: frontal lessons / interactive sessions.

The frequency of the lessons is highly recommended to facilitate the study of the examination texts and to take advantage of the opportunity for comparison and exchange.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of a written test composed of up to 31 closed-answer questions (multiple choice, true/false, completion, etc.).

The performance required for a successful completion of the test are:

- in-depth knowledge of the study texts;

- reflective and critical skills on the content covered in the respective modules;

- correct use and understanding of the Italian language (grammar and syntax).

The final grade will be given by the number of correct answers (all 31 correct answers equals 30 cum laude; 18 correct answers equals 18). Missed answers are equivalent to wrong answers (0 points).

In order to take the exam, students in the classroom (presence mode, except for new health emergencies) must have a smartphone or tablet available.

If you are equipped with one of the two devices, please write to the teacher a few days before the exam.


The test will last 40 minutes from the time you enter the test.

The procedure for taking the exam will be:

- register in Alma Examinations https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm (please note that for written exams registration closes one week before the date of the exam); when registering on Alma exams students will be automatically distributed in shifts according to the order of registration. Those who do not wish to participate in the exams are requested to cancel in time to avoid occupying places in the shifts and causing inconvenience.

- Access from Eol (https://eol.unibo.it [https://eol.unibo.it/] ) to the virtual Zoom room associated with their turn (according to the date and time of the turn; otherwise the room will NOT be visible). It is not necessary to download any application and Unibo institutional credentials must be used.

- In Zoom you will proceed to the identification (through the ID document) and vigilance will be carried out (it will be necessary, therefore, to keep the webcam and microphone active during the whole exam).

- Once the identification procedure has been completed, the participants will be directed to the quiz on Eol.

- The quiz questions will appear one at a time and it will not be possible to go back and correct them. Once the quiz is finished, the student will still be able to review (but not correct) the quiz before handing it in.

Other information

Please note that the use of texts, notes and other consultation tools is not permitted. In order to ensure the regularity of the exam, we trust that our confidence in the ethical conduct of the students is well placed.

The result of the exam will be visible in Alma Examinations within a few days of the end of the exam.

Please note that once the grades have been published in Alma Examinations students can express acceptance and/or refusal within five days from the day of publication. Once this deadline has passed, the teacher will still record the unrefused grades (for the rule of silence consent).

If there is a break in the connection during the test, the teacher must be notified immediately of the break in the connection.

Students attending and not

The course programme and examination procedures are the same for both students and non-attendants.

Erasmus students: the course language, program and the examination methods are the same as for other students (a good knowledge of the Italian language is required).

For DSA students

DSA students are invited to contact the office in charge and have their tutors write to the teachers, according to the usual procedures to agree on the modalities of the exam (right to additional time and/or choice of oral exam).

Teaching tools

Power point presentations (they are temporary tools for the lesson, they are not available for nor provided to to the students )

Video analysis

Seminars by experts

Office hours

See the website of Alessandra Gigli


No poverty Good health and well-being Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.