28380 - Regional Cultural Policies

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (cod. 0902)

Learning outcomes

The student is expected to learn the instruments correlated to the predisposition, use, and observation of cultural policies. In particular, the student is expected to: - learn about cultural economics and public funding - compare issues and crucial aspects of cultural policies - understand case studies about culture, heritage and local development - learn the methodologies for an economic impact evaluation - learn the cultural observatories scenario - understand the challenges for research and evaluation of network, systems and milieu.

Course contents

Decline and fall of old paradigms

Policies and tools

Territories, local development, districts

Museums Evolution and Audience

ECOC PROGRAM European Capitals of Culture

Tailored Policies and territorial ad-hocism

Culture and well-being

Culture & tourism in a pandemic perspective

Assessment, impact and measures


Gioca Regional Cultural Policies - Bibliography– Luca Dal Pozzolo

Arjun Appadurai, The Future as Cultural Fact. Essays on the Global Condition, Verso, 2013, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2014, prima edizione italiana,

AA. VV., Creative Metropoles, http://www.creativemetropoles.eu/, 2010

M. Augé, L’anthropologue et le mond global, Armand Colin, Parigi, 2013, trad.it. L’antropologo e il mondo globale, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2014, prima edizione italiana,

A. Baricco, I barbari. Saggio sulla mutazione, Prima edizione Fandango Libri, 2006, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli editore, sesta edizione nell’Universale economica, Milano 2013

Bonet Luis, Reflexiones sobre el impacto del COVID-19 en la cultura (5): por una nueva agenda de política cultural [https://lluisbonet.blogspot.com/2020/04/reflexiones-sobre-el-impacto-del-covid_29.html]


P. Burke, Cultural hybridity, cultural exchange, cultural translation. Reflection on history and theory, 2008, trad it. Ibridismo, scambio, traduzione culturale. Riflessione sula globalizzazione della cultura in una prospettiva storica, QuiEdit, Verona, prima edizione, 2009.

P. Burke, What is Cultural History, II ed. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2008, trad it. La storia culturale, Il Mulino, Bologna Nuova edizione, 2009

G. L Cogliandro, European Cities of Culture for the Year 2000. A wealth of urban cultures for celebrating the turn of the century. Final Report, Association of the European Cities of Culture of the Year 2000, AECC/AVEC and G.L.Cogliandro, (2001)

L. Dal Pozzolo, Networks, Systems, Environments:The Challenge of Analysis and Evaluation, in Internaational Symposium on Cultural Statistic, October 21-22-23 Montreal, 2002 Unesco, - Proceeding http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/observatoire/symposium2002/DalPozzolo_an.pdf

L. Dal Pozzolo (con S. Gron, A. Magnaghi), Tra città e museo. Itinerari, incroci, convergenze, Name, Genova 2006; Vedi in paricolare i capitoli di Luca Dal Pozzolo: cap. 1 Città Museo, Cap 6 Museo Città: evoluzione di un paradigma, Cap. 7 Distretti industriali, culturali, museali, Cap. 8 Sostenibilità, Beni culturali, Tursimo e città.

- http://digital.casalini.it/8887298378

L. Dal Pozzolo, Programmi, progetti, milieu: problemi aperti nel sostegno della creazione contemporanea in Europa, in: M. De Luca, F. Gennari Santori, B. Pietromarchi, M. Trimarchi, Creazione contemporanea. Arte, società e territorio tra publico e privato, Sossella ed., Roma 2004, pp. 141-146;

L. Dal Pozzolo, A. Garbarini, F, De Biase, Oltre la sindrome del Vilcoyote. Politiche cultural iper disegnare il futuro, Franco Angeli, Milano 2016

L. Dal Pozzolo, Il patrimonio culturale tra memoria e futuro, Editrice bibliografica, Milano 2018

F.De Biase, ( a cura di ) L’arte dello spettatore, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2008

R. Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class. And how it’s transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life, Basic Books, New York, 2003.

G. Guerzoni, Effetto festival. L’impatto economico dei festival di approfondimento culturale 2008 Fondazione Eventi – Fondazione Carispe


Eric j. Hobsbawm, Fractured Times, 2013, trad.it. La fine della cultura. Saggio su un secolo in crisi di identità, Rizzoli, Milano 2013, Prima edizione BUR 2014

EU, Ex-post evaluation of the 2018 European capitals of culture


Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Culture and Future, Turin, 2020,


Gideon Lichfield, We’re not going back to normal, MIT technological Review, 2020


Impacts 08 – European Capital of Culture Research Programme (2008) Research Initiative. University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University: http://www.liv.ac.uk/impacts08/index.htm

Imperial College, Neil M Ferguson, Daniel Laydon, Gemma Nedjati-Gilani, Natsuko Imai, Kylie Ainslie, Marc Baguelin, Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to

reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand,


C. Landry, The Creative City, A Toolkit for Urban Innovators, Comedia – Earthscan Publications Ltd, London 2000

Matera 2019 Bid Book http://www.matera-basilicata2019.it/en/archivi/news/550-the-bid-book-of-matera-2019-is-on-line.html

C. Landry, The Creative City, A Toolkit for Urban Innovators, Comedia – Earthscan Publications Ltd, London 2000

Nemo, Survey on the impact of the COVID-19 situation on museums in Europe Final Report


Noyon Remy, Pour comprendre la psychologie d’une population travaillée par une épidémie... https://www.nouvelobs.com/idees/20200327.OBS26687/pour-comprendre-la-psychologie-d-une-population-travaillee-par-une-epidemie.html?fbclid=IwAR1-mQQVQxneOBrGkmapIhZO0pKaGGNcND5iRSOxeejAkRMotBiHDF3SbR0

Osservatorio Culturale del Piemonte, Report 2019,


R. Palmer and G. Richards, G. European Cultural Capital Report. Arnhem, Atlas, (2007): http://www.atlas-webshop.org/epages/61492534.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61492534/Products/ATL_00048

P.L.Sacco e S.Pedrini, Il distretto culturale: mito o opportunità?, «Il Risparmio», n.51, fasc.3, 2003, pp.101-155, pubblicato anche in: “Department of Economics, S. Cognetti de Martiis”, Università di Torino http://www.eblacenter.unito.it/WP/2003/5_WP_Ebla.pdf

P. L. Sacco e G. Segre, Creativity and new patterns of consumption in the experience economy, in: “Department of Economics, S. Cognetti de Martiis” Università di Torino Working Paper, n.2/2006 http://www.eblacenter.unito.it/WP/2006/2_WP_Ebla.pdf

W. Santagata, Cultural districts and economic development, contenuto in: “Department of Economics S. Cognetti de Martiis”, Università di Torino Working Paper, n. 1, 2004, Ebla Center,

http://www.eblacenter.unito.it/WP/2004/1_WP_Ebla.pdf ;

W. Santagata, I distretti culturali nei paesi avanzati e nelle economie emergenti, in: «Economia della Cultura», Anno XV, n. 2, 2005.

UNESCO, Cultural and Creative Industries, in the face of COVID , Paris, 2021

Teaching methods

Lectures, presentation of case studies, public debate

Assessment methods

Grading system:

• <18: fail
• 18-23:sufficient
• 24-27: good
• 28-30: very good
• 30 e lode: excellent

Teaching tools

PDF files and Power Point slides

Office hours

See the website of Luca Dal Pozzolo


Good health and well-being Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.