13275 - Latin Language (1)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Lucia Pasetti
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/04
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations (cod. 8493)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)
    First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)

Course contents

I. SPECIAL FOCUS COURSE Plautus, Menaechmi: an anthology of the main scenes: : argumentum acrosticum; vv. 77-273; 486-523; 701-752; 808-875; 889-967; 1062-1083. These texts are all available among teaching materials.

II. ELEMENTS OF LATIN  morphology, lexicon, syntax

III. AUTHORS  from Cornelius Nepos, The viris illustribus: full reading (in the original language) of Praefatio and Vita Attici

IV. CRITICAL ESSAYS vd. Bibliography


First semester: OFA students are required to attend basic-level seminars.

Second semester:

- Lectures from Cornelius Nepos (L. Galli), Mond. 13-15 and 17-18.30. First lesson: February 10.
- Latin Language: Intermediate 1st level (morphology and basic elements of syntax) (E. Dal Chiele): Thues. 17-18.30; Thursd. 17-18.30, Aula Pascoli. First lesson: February 11.

start of class: Monday, February 3th


we recommend the full reading of the comedy in translation, e.g.:
Plautus, Comedies, II (Casina, The Casket Comedy, Curculio, Epidicus, The Two Menaechmuses), edited and translated by W. de Melo, Cambridge, Mass.-London, 2011
A translation into Italian of the selected scenes with commentary will be available among the teaching materials.

I. Dionigi – E. Riganti – L. Morisi, Il latino, Bari, Laterza 2011, or Verba et res. Morfosintassi e lessico del latino, 2 voll., Bari, Laterza, 1999.

A. Traina – G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, Bologna, Pàtron, 1995, capp. I-VI (on peculiar topics of phonetics, morphology, syntax).

Cornelius Nepos, De viris illustribus: as for Praefatio and Vita Attici are concerned, a translation into Italian, with commentary on grammar will be available among the teaching material.


Students are required to read one for the following essays:

C. Questa, Introduzione (chapters: La fortuna di Plauto e Lettura dei Menecmi), in Tito Maccio Plauto, I Menecmi, Milano (BUR), 1984 (1a ed.), pp. 47-79.

S. Monda, Il teatro di Plauto: l’attore tra recitazione canto, Dioniso 2, 2012, 149-165.

E. Fantham, Mania e medicina nei Menaechmi e in altri testi, in R. Raffaelli-A. Tontini, Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates 10 (Menaechmi), Urbino 2007, 23-45 (available among Teaching materials).

F. Mencacci, L'equivoco felice. Lettura gemellare dei Menaechmi, in R. Raffaelli-A. Tontini, Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates 10 (Menaechmi), Urbino 2007, 47-68 (available among Teaching materials).

Students who don't attend the course are required to read also:

M. Fruyt, Word-Formation in Classical Latin, in A companion to the latin language, edited by James Clackson, Maiden (MA)-Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp. 157-175 (available among the teaching materials).

Teaching methods

Lecture is the teaching approach adopted for the special focus course;
interactive lessons are used in the seminars: here the students are more active participants to the learning process, which includes exercises and periodical tests.

Assessment methods

The exam has two parts:

- a written multiple choice Latin test, performed on the computer, concerning morphology and elemets of syntax.

N.B. The written test is compulsory and must be overcome before the oral exam of Lingua Latina. A negative mark prevents from accessing to the viva voce examination. The test remains valid for 6 months. The test is passed with 18/30.

- A viva voce examination: the students will be tested in Latin phonetics, morphology and syntax through the reading and translation of the Latin texts dealt with in class and listed in the program.

- the exam can't be divided into parts.

Assessment guidelines:

- failing grades:lack of basic linguistic knowledge (phonetics, morphology, basic syntax) and inability to produce a correct translation and a correct interpretation of the texts.

- passing grades: proficiency in the basic linguistic skills; translation and interpretation of texts mostly correct, but inaccurate and lacking in autonomy.

- positive grades: language proficiency at an intermediate level; translation and interpretation of the texts fully correct, but not always accurate and autonomous.

- excellent grades: language proficiency at an upper-mid level; translation and interpretation of the texts not only correct but performed with autonomy and precision.

Teaching tools

1. Online teaching materials (e.g. slides)
2. Seminars (cf. course content) aimed to the introduction to the bases of the Latin language (phonetics, morphology and syntax) and to the texts belonging to the program (Suetonius).

3. Latin Video lessons, available at https://elearning-pro.unibo.it/course/view.php?id=1162

Office hours

See the website of Lucia Pasetti