Academic Year 2018/2019

Course contents

The social educator in services to the adults in social marginality


The workshop will discuss the theme of socio-educational interventions to the adult population in social marginality contexts, deepening homeless people and prisoners.

The workshop is structured as a theoretical and practical study. It'll be studied the most recent models of intervention, especially those in the Bologna area. For this reason, the meetings will take place both in the classroom and outside the classroom, directly in the workplace, according to institutions' availability.

Different aspects of homelessness and prison life will be examined:

  • an introduction to the homelessness;
  • actions to homless people;
  • an introduction to italian prison system;
  • the exit from prison and social reintegration;
  • the construction of a personalized inclusive project for adults.

Other transversal themes will be:

  • the territorial network of services;
  • multi-professional team work;
  • risks related to work with adults, in social marginality contexts and experiential supervision.

These aspects will be analyzed in the classroom, through group work and common activities. Some meetings will require an individual or group preparation before the meeting, with material indicated.


Decembrotto L., Friso V. (a cura di) (2018). Università e carcere (TITOLO PROVVISORIO). Guerini e Associati.

Gnocchi R. (a cura di) (2009). Homelessness e dialogo interdisciplinare. Analisi e confronto tra modelli diversi. Pisa: Carocci.


Further information will be provided during the course of the workshop. Scientific papers will be used in Italian and English.

Assessment methods

The evaluation criteria used will be the active participation in the laboratory and the individual contribution to the work done in the group.

Office hours

See the website of Luca Decembrotto