34285 - Industrial Logistics (Graduate Course)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Emilio Ferrari
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/17
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 0938)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 0938)

Learning outcomes

Students know general criteria and quantitative methods for planning, design and management of logistic systems of modern flexible factory (manufacturing, assembling, transport and storage) and of distribution systems of products to the customer. Logistics is concerned with the flow of materials in the supply chain, from source through the total industrial process to the customer, and then on to disposal or re-use/re-cycling. By co-ordinating all resources, logistics ensures that service levels are acceptable to customers. The programme will provide a detailed understanding and knowledge of logistics and its place in all types of industries. The range of professional and general management skills is very important for careers in logistics and many other areas of graduate employment.

Course contents


Flow of activities in distribution logistics. The characteristics and the different types of a distribution channel. The design of a distribution channel. The mode of transport as a competitive factor: the different transport systems. Mode for choosing the transport system. Transport intermodality: advantages and limits of intermodality. Regulatory aspects of the transport of goods, Incoterms for the definition of the transport contract. Evolving scenarios of freight transport and logistics. The costs of externality of the transport of goods.



Production information flow management: the complete production planning, execution and control process. Aggregated planning: objectives, time horizon, actors and level of detail. The formation of the main production plan (Master Production Schedule)


Materials requirements management: demand systems and stock systems Required systems: Material Requirement Planning (MRP): advantages, application limits, necessary inputs, software supports and closed loop systems Required systems: Just in Time (JiT): advantages, application limits. Requirements for the application. KanBan as JiT operative tools: information content and templates for optimal number design. The SMED technique for optimizing setup time. Stock systems: fixed order quantity models (Economic Order Qauntity - EOQ-ROP) and fixed re-ordering time. The definition of the reorganization level (ROP). Sizing the Safety Stock (SS).

SCHEDULING - 10 hours

Production scheduling: objectives and definitions. The different types of production systems. The parameters for the evaluation of the scheduling performances. Load rules (EDD, SPT, LPT, MST, etc.). Models and algorithms for scheduling single machines, parallel machines (identical and generic), flow shop systems (with 2 machines and n machines) and job shop systems.


Queue theory: general information about the method, working hypothesis and characterization of a queue system. Construction of the model of arrivals and the model of services. Stationary stationary condition. Model adaptation test: the Chi2 test. Average queue data: average number of customers in the service and in the queue, average waiting time in the service and in the queue, probability of presence in the service. Industrial applications of the theory of queues.


Recommended book:

  • A.PARESCHI, E.FERRARI, A.PERSONA, A.REGATTIERI, Logistica Integrata e Flessibile, Ed.Esculapio, 2011

Useful references (not object of the final exam):

  • PARESCHI A., Impianti industriali, Collana Progetto Leonardo, Ed. Esculapio, Bologna, 1994
  • MANZINI R. (ED.), Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain. Advanced Models, Tools and Applications for Storage Systems, SPRINGER London UK, ISBN 978-1-4471-2273-9. http://www.springer.com/engineering/production+engineering/book/978-1-4471-2273-9
  • MANZINI R., REGATTIERI A., Manutenzione dei Sistemi di Produzione, Progetto Leonardo, II Ed. 2007. Esculapio, Bologna, ristampa 2009.
  • R.MANZINI, E.FERRARI, H.PHAM, A.REGATTIERI, Maintenance for Industrial Systems, 2010, Springer London UK. http://www.springer.com/engineering/production+eng/book/978-1-84882-574-1
  • J.A. Tompkins, J.A. White, E. H. Frazelle, J.M.A. Tanchoco, J.Trevino, Facilities Planning, John Wiley & Sons, INC. 1996.
  • R.L. FRANCIS, L.F. McGinnis, J.A. WHITE, Facility lay-out and location: an analytical approach, 2nd Edition Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1992.
  • F. TURCO, Principi generali di progettazione degli impianti industriali, C.L.U.P., Milano, 1990.
  • S. HERAGU, “Facilities Design”, Ed. PWS, Boston, 1997
  • A. BRANDOLESE, Studio del mercato e del prodotto, C.L.U.P., Milano, 1977.
  • D. DEL MAR, Operations and industrial management, McGraw-Hill, 1985.
  • A. BRANDOLESE, M. GARETTI, Processi produttivi. Criteri tecnici di scelta e progettazione, C.L.U.P., Milano, 1982.
  • R.J. TERSINE, Production/operations management, North Holland, New York, 1985.
  • A. MONTE, Elementi di Impianti Industriali, Ed. Cortina, Torino, 1982, 1-2.
  • LAMBERT D, STOCK J., Strategic Logistics Management, McGraw-Hill, 2001
  • LOUIS R., ”Integrating Kanban With Mrp II: Automating a Pull System for Enhanced Jit Inventory Management Productivity Press, Portland, 2001.
  • BOARIO M., DE MARTINI M., DI MEO E., GROS-PIETRO G.M., Manuale di Logistica, UTET, Torino, 1992, Voll. 1-2-3.
  • GRANDO A., Logistica e produzione, UTET, Milano, 1996.
  • CARON F., MARCHET G., WEGNER R., Impianti di movimentazione e stoccaggio dei materiali: criteri di progettazione, Hoepli, 1997.
  • BRANDOLESE A., POZZETTI A., SIANESI A., “Gestione della produzione industriale”, Hoepli, Milano, 1991.
  • DEL MAR D., “Operations and industrial management”, McGraw-Hill, 1985.
  • TERSINE R.J., Production/operations management, North Holland, New York, 1985.
  • MORTIMER J., Logistics in manufacturing, Ed. IFS Ltd, UK/Springer Verlag, 1988.
  • FERROZZI C., SHAPIRO R.D., HESKETT J.L., Logistica e strategia, 1-2, ISEDI, 1993, Torino.
  • BOWERSOX D.J., Logistica, strategia e integrazione in azienda, Tecniche Nuove,1989, Milano.
  • HOLLIER R.H., Automated guided vehicle systems, IFS Ltd., Bedford (UK), 1987.
  • HALL R., Obiettivo: scorte zero, Ed. ISEDI, Milano 1986.
  • MONDEN Y., Produzione Just-in-time, Ed. ISEDI, Milano, 198

Teaching methods

On the whole 60 teaching hours of frontal lessons and training corresponding to 6 ECTS. The main target is to give the student the right approach the dimensioning of facilities inside a logistic system, according to economical evaluation and technical rules

Assessment methods

Students must put themselves onto the list published in Almaesani for each round.

Achievement will be assessed by the means of a final exam. This is based on an analytical assessment of the “expected learning outcomes” described above.

In order to properly assess such achievement the examination is based on a written test, lasting up to three hours including the theoretical and practical development of three arguments, two of which theoretical issues and two numeric - themed application

The rating is assigned based on the overall assessment of the whole test. Higher grades will be awarded to students who demonstrate an organic understanding of the subject, a high ability for critical application, and a clear and concise presentation of the contents, with particular attention to the use and the comprehension of technical terms.

To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a knowledge of the key concepts of the subject, some ability for critical application, and a comprehensible use of technical language.

A failing grade will be awarded if student shows knowledge gaps in key-concepts of the subject, inappropriate use of language and logic failures in the analysis of the subject. Then the exam result not sufficient if at least one question is not sufficient.

Teaching tools

Issues provided by the teaching staff and provided on line on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

Office hours

See the website of Emilio Ferrari