82254 - Nursing Applied to the Clinic

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Luisa Sist
  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: MED/45
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8473)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student has the knowledge about nursing applied to the Priority Health Problems of the Medical and Surgical Area. These contents will be declined under the model of clinical intensity and care complexity and in the prevention, care and rehabilitation phases.

Course contents

PRINCIPLES OF PERSON LOADING WITH PRIORITY PROBLEMS OF HEALTH Pre-operative planning Intraoperative planning Post-operative planningDifficulty: Consent, Pain, Delirium and Behavioral Disorders, Hypothermia in the Operating Room, Urinary Retention in the Postoperative Phase.


The therapeutic therapeutic diagnostic pathways, therapeutic education, self-care and therapeutic alliance.

Assistance to surgical person undergoing cholecystitis surgery. The care planning of the person undergoing cholecystectomy Assistance to people with urologic urinary problems The planning of the person undergoing prostatectomy Assistance to the person undergoing PEG The planning of the person undergoing PEG intervention. Long-term average treatment of complications Assistance to the person undergoing Liver Transplantation Planning the transplanted person of the Liver Preoperative Management, Intraoperative Management and Postoperative Management Assistance to the person with femur fracture. The person's planning with femur fracture Preoperative Management, Postoperative Management Assistance to the person with mandibular reconstruction by the flap of Perone Person Planning, Intraoperative Management


Brunner- Suddarth “infermieristica medico-chirurgico” S.C. Smeltzer, B.G. Bare, J.L. Hinkle, K.H Cheever, 2010 4
Barbara K. Timby, Nancy E. Smith - Infermieristica Medico-Chirurgica, Mc Graw Hill Milano 2013
NANDA International (2015) Diagnosi Infermieristiche definizione e classificazione 2015 2017 Nanda, Milano ,Ambrosiana.
Carpenito-Moyet L.J Diagnosi Infermieristiche Applicazione alla pratica clinica VI edizione, Ambrosiana, Milano 2015
Carpenito-Moyet L.J Piani di Assistenza Infermieristica e Documentazione 2° edizione Ambrosiana Milano 2011

Brugnolli A., Saiani L.(2017) Trattato di Medicina e Infermieristica un approccio di cure integrate Sorbona, Edizioni Idelson Gnocchi

Teaching methods

PBL Discussion of cases Frontal lessons

Assessment methods

L'esame sarà composto sulla pianificazione di un paziente chirurgico, con domande a risposta aperta(di breve risposta) e domande a risposta chiusa.
Nella valutazione finale saranno valutati anche gli elaborati svolti in aula e a casa.

Office hours

See the website of Luisa Sist