A new Call for Applications [.pdf 1403 KB] is now open for additional 37th cycle Phd scholarships, concerning research on innovation and green related topics. The financial resources are made available by ESF REACT-EU funds (PON "Ricerca e Innovazione" programme) with Ministerial Decree 10 August 2021, n. 1061.
The applications must be submitted within October 20th 2021, at 11.59 p.m (Expired).
Refer to the Call for Applications [.pdf 1403 KB] and to the PhD Programme Tables for all the relevant information on the research topics details, the assessable qualifications list and the evaluation criteria. The PhD Programme Tables are available on each PhD Programme webpage.
The provision put into effect Action IV.4 – PhD programmes and research contracts on innovation and Action IV.5 – PhD programmes on green related topics of the new Axis IV of the PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020 "Education and research for recovery - REACT-EU", granted by the new review of the Program with the thematic objective of cohesion policies "Promote overcoming the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and prepare a recovery green, digital and resilient economy "(Regulation (EU) 2020/2221 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 23rd 2020).
The Program Action IV.4 aims are to promote research activities about innovation, digital infrastructure and enabling technologies, and to support the human capital’s enhancement, as a determining factor for research development and innovation in Italy.
Action IV.5 objective is to enhance the human capital that will be engaged in PhD Programmes concerning the conservation of the ecosystem, biodiversity, the climate change’s impact reduction and the promotion of Sustainable Development.
There must be a consistency between the research and the lines defined in the National Strategy of Intelligent Specialization (SNSI) [.pdf 5077 KB] and in the National Research Program (PNR) [.pdf 2660 KB], in order to promote an approach, open to innovation and a greater exchange between the world of research and the world of production.
Applicants Duties
The selected applicants must carry out a research and study period in a company (minimum 6 months, maximum 12 months, as state in the PhD Programme Tables). Failure or partial performance of this activity will result in the withdrawal of the scholarship.
The Call for Applications
To access the PhD programmes at the University of Bologna, it is necessary to pass a selection procedure. In this case, the selection consists on the evaluation of applicants qualifications and research project proposals.
Each scholarship is connected to a specific research topic, described in detail in the PhD Programme Tables. Applicants can apply for one or more research topics by submitting a research proposal for each topic. Research proposal must follow the project templates for Action IV.4 - "Research doctorates on innovation" [.docx 213 KB] and Action IV.5 "Doctorates on green related topics" [.docx 213 KB]. The templates are attached to the Call and available on University website.
Applicants who are yet to obtain their Second Cycle Degree are admitted to the selection procedure on condition that they obtain their degree by no later than October, 31st 2021. Some courses at the University of Bologna introduced extraordinary graduation sessions in October, if not already foreseen, reserved for the participants in the PhD selections. Candidates may check the updated graduation dates on their course website.
How to apply
- while the call for applications is open, visit Studenti Online and enter data required for registration. Please, note that in case of loss of the @studio.unibo.it user and password, an account recovery procedure is available. In case of failure to complete the above procedure, a request for the email account recovery can be sent to the Help Desk (help.studentionline@unibo.it). A scanned copy of a valid ID document must be attached;
- select “Admission application”, then “PhD programme” and ”Next”;
- select the PhD programme of interest;
- fill in the online application form and upload the documents indicated in the art. 3 of the Call for applications and the additional documents indicated in the PhD Programme Table, of each course in the PhD programmes list;
- click on ”Submit”.
Notice: applications that have been filled in but not submitted by the deadline of the call will be rejected.
No admission fee is requested.