69818 - Economics of Tourism Destinations

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Laura Vici
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: SECS-P/01
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Tourism Economics and Management (cod. 8609)

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course the student knows how to interpret and evaluate the economic problems facing the tourism destination, with particular reference to the issue of coordination, pricing policy and tourism development. Moreover, the student analyses the economics of environmental resources applied to the destination, in a framework of sustainable development, and the economics of cultural resources, in a framework of cultural preservation and promotion.

Course contents

Introduction to the economics of tourism destinations

The tourism demand of a tourism destination from an empirical point of view

Collection of data

Introduction to the use of STATA in tourism 

PCA and factor analysis 

Cluster analysis applied to tourism 





Candela G. and Figini P, 2012, The economics of Tourism Destinations, Springer

Mazzocchi M., 2008, Statistics for Marketing & Consumer Research. SAGE Publications

Additional teaching materials will be available on AMS Campus, through the link "Teaching Materials" and on the website https://lauravici.com.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars and lab work.

Assessment methods

The exam is composed of a written test (80% of the final mark), covering the theoretical and empirical issues discussed during the lectures, and a practical test (20% of the final mark).

For attending students, the practical test requires that the student collects some data about a particular issue related to predetermined tourism destinations (agreed with the teacher). The data collected must be delivered the date communicated during the lectures.

For non-attending students, the practical test does not require to collect data. As attending students, even non-attending students must study what has been explained in class (download teaching material available on this website) and know how to use the software STATA. Moreover, they have to write an essay (max 10 pages) on a topic decided by the teacher (students are invited to write her an e-mail to receive the topic of their essay). This essay must be a survey of the scientific literature on the topic. The essay will receive a maximum mark of 6 points (min. 0 - max 6 points) and can be delivered just once.

It is not possible to bring books, personal notes or electronic devices (included smart watch) during the exam. Registration for the exam is compulsory, and students have to register through AlmaEsami according to the general rules of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics.

The mark is out of 30 points (given by a maximum of 24 points related to the written test and a maximum of 6 points related to the practical test), and the minimum required to pass the exam is 18/30 (a minimum of 14.5/30 in the written test).

Teaching tools

The laboratory uses bibliographic sources, databases and software to analyse data.

Office hours

See the website of Laura Vici