39559 - Maternal/Child Nursing (RN)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 8475)

Learning outcomes

By the end of this module, learners should acquire knowledge and skills related to nursing care of
the child and his/her family, in relation to major maternal and child health needs, particularly in
the area of disease prevention and education. Identify, plan and assess major health issues, and
cooperate with other healthcare professionals to implement diagnostic–therapeutic pathways
(DTPs) and educational projects.

Course contents

Obstetrics and Gynecology
• Pregnancy pathways
• Definitions of: healthy birth, high-risk pregnancy
• Nursing care of the women with: gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension, placental abruption and placenta previa,
premature rupture of membranes (PROM), spontaneous abortion, elective abortion
• Neonatal care in delivery room: Apgar score, adaptation to extrauterine life, early initiation of breastfeeding
• Cord blood donation, rooming-in, postpartum depression, inflammatory breast disease Pediatrics and Neonatology
• Nursing care of the healthy child, skin hygiene, umbilical cord hygiene, neonatal jaundice, breastfeeding vs formula-feeding, discharge the newborn, educating the family on managing the newborn at home, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
• Gestational age and birthweight classification
• Nursing care of the full-term newborn in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), respiratory distress, jaundice, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), hypoglycaemia, seizures, sepsis, infant of a: diabetic mother, mother with drug or alcohol addiction, smoking mother
• Nursing care of the premature newborn in NICU, physiological characteristics, touch and holding, potential risks and complications monitoring, caring environment, Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP), postural care and nursing care to the newborn in the incubator, necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), pain assessment and management, communication, involvement and support to the family of the premature newborn, mothers milk bank
• Nursing care of the child, family centred care, children's reaction to hospitalization, charter of the rights of children in hospital, characteristics of pediatric wards, major respiratory diseases,
gastroenteritis, fever and febrile convulsions traumatic brain injury, burns, type 1 diabetes, child abuse, pain assessment and management
• Nursing care of the pharmacologic therapy in neonates and children, medications dilution,dosage calculations, and medications administration

• Perioperative pathway
• Nursing care of the child with hemophilia
• Nursing care planning based on clinical cases

The evaluation of the knowledge acquired by the student will be carried out in written form (pharmacological proportion, clinical case and open questions) exclusively for students of the AY 2023-2024.

For students from previous years, the assessment is a written (pharmacological portion) and oral test.

The overall time allowed for the exam is 10 minutes for the written test which includes the calculation of a pharmacological proportion and 30 minutes for the written test which includes a clinical case plus open questions.

Students who will have to take the oral test will have 10 minutes available to present a clinical case.

Only those who correctly pass the pharmacological proportion can access the second part of the exam.

The evaluation will be based on the analysis of a clinical case, on which the student will have to define and develop the main nursing diagnoses, describing the nursing interventions implemented as well as the expected outcomes.

The open questions will be formulated on the basis of the program developed during the lessons.


1. "Con ragione e sentimento. Le cure neonatali a sostegno dello sviluppo". Grazia Colombo
Biomedia 2011
2. "Assistenza infermieristica in pediatria". Seconda edizione. P.Badon, S. Cesaro. Casa editrice
Ambrosiana 2015.
3. "Assistenza infermieristica e ostetrica in area matemo-infantile". Seconda edizione. P. Di
Giacomo, L. A. Rigon. Casa Edi trice Ambrosiana. 2016
4. Diagnosi infermieristiche NANDA-I, definizioni e classificazione 2021-2023. T. Heather
Herdman, Shigemi Kamitsuru. 2021
5. Calcoli e dosaggi farmacologici. La responsabilita dell'infermiere. G. Ledonne, S. Tolome
6. "Diagnosi infermieristiche con NOC e NIC". J. M. Wilkinson. Casa editrice Ambrosiana. 2005
7. "lnfermieristica in area matemo-infantile". G. Marchioni, S. Salemo, S.Scalorbi, P. Quarella. Mc
Graw Hill. 2014
8. "Diagnosi infermieristiche. Definizione e classificazione 2018-2020". Decima edizione. Casa
editrice Ambrosiana. B. H. Quigley, M. L. Palm, et al.
9. "Mappe concettuali per l'assistenza infermieristica. Casi clinici per migliorare la comunicazione,
la collaborazione e l'assistenza". B. L. Yoast . Casa editrice Ambrosiana. 2018
10. "Saturazione sensoriale: semplice ed efficace contro il dolore procedurale del neonato". C. V.
Bellieni, M. G. Alagna, G. Buonocore. Dipartimento di Pediatria, Ostetricia e Medicina
Riproduttiva, Università di Siena.
11. "ll trattamento specifico con EMLA in pediatria" infermiera C. Biavati. Ospedale Sant'Orsola
12. "Promozione dell'uso di latte matemo nelle unita di TIN ed accesso dei genitori ai reparti".
Raccomandazione congiunta di tavolo tecnico operativo Interdisciplinare. Ministero della
13. "Ridurre il dolore da prelievo capillare nel neonato: confronto tra 6 dispositivi pungidito (To
reduce pain to heelprick in newborn: comparison with six lancet devices)". G.Ballardini, A.
Spruzzola, L. Boneschi ,R. Visentin, L. Boscardini, M.Barbaglia, A. Guala. Ped. Med. Chir. (Med.
Surg. Ped.), 2012, 34: 182-185
14. "Protocollo di individualized family centered developmental care secondo il metodo NIDCAP
(ALS, H., 2000)". A cura di: N. Bertoncelli
15. Gravidanza fisiologica. Aggiornamento 2011. Linee guida nazionali (www.snlg-iss.it)
16. "L'allattamento al seno: protezione, incoraggiamento e sostegno. L'importanza del ruolo dei
servizi per la maternità". Dichiarazione congiunta OMS/UNICEF. Novembre 2008.

Teaching methods

The didactic methodologies include frontal keynote lectures, exercises on medications dosage
calculations, clinical cases discussion.

Assessment methods

Knowledge assessment will use a multiple choice question format and can be taken remotely from
a home or workplace
The exam will take 20 minutes to complete, 10 minutes for the written exam, including dosage
calculation, and 10 minutes for the oral examination.
Knowledge assessment will focus on discussing a clinical case, requiring the student to defying and
develop major nursing diagnosis, describing nursing interventions to be implemented, and
expected outcomes.

Teaching tools

The didactic tools include computer, image projector, blackboard.

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Solaroli