91866 - Aesthetics Education and Child Drawing

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student: - knows the main pedagogical and didactic aspects related to the development of the child artistic process ; - knows the fundamental theoretical references concerning the didactics of drawing; - knows the main phases of development of the graphic-pictorial activity in childhood; - knows the materials, the techniques and their expressive characteristics; - knows the contemporary debate related to the educational function of art with particular attention to the national and international indications; - knows how to apply in his professional field the theoretical and methodological knowledge of the didactics of drawing according to a reflexive approach; - knows how to support and enhance the artistic process of the child with particular reference to the cognitive-expressive and affective-relational educational dimensions; - knows how to plan workshops and artistic paths for children in collaboration with other professionals and families.

Course contents

Children's drawing and its languages considered as "embodied" knowledge and analyzed from an aesthetic, phenomenological and didactic perspective. The "serious game" of art and literature for children as an educational and training tool for girls and boys, but also for educators. Female artists, illustrators and their gaze on children's drawing as a tool for understanding. Creativity as an affective-relational, cognitive and social process to acquire, over time, cultural and expressive awareness. From the space of the "paper" to the space in section: narrativity, educational settings and learning environments as related resources.



Mandatory texts:

Cappelletti A. R., Disegno e narrazione al nido, Erickson, Trento, 2018.

Dallari M. Francucci C., L’idea della creatività, in Dallari M. Francucci C., L’esperienza pedagogica dell’arte, La Nuova Italia, Scandicci 2001, p. 73 - 85.

Del Gaudio I., Il ruolo educativo delle arti visive, in Doria A., Brusa F., Crescere spettatori. Il teatro va a scuola, Luca Sossella Editore, Roma, 2022, p. 123 - 133.

A text to be chosen between:

  • Francucci C., L’esperienza dell’arte, Lapis, Roma, 2014
  • Francucci C., Il corpo delle meraviglie, Lapis, Roma, 2019

Spadoni S., Disegno infantile e arte contemporanea, in Francucci C., Vassalli P., Educare all’arte, Electa, Roma, 2007, p. 33 - 39.


Optional texts:

Berger J., (2005), Sul disegnare, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2017.

Bruzzone D., (2016), L'esercizio dei sensi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2022.

Francucci C., Museo come territorio di esperienza, Corraini Edizioni, Mantova, 2016.

Hamelin, Alfabeto Alemagna, Topipittori, Milano, 2023.

Lorenzoni F., I bambini pensano grande, Sellerio, Palermo, 2014.



Please contact Prof. Del Gaudio by email (ilaria.delgaudio@unibo.it) to define the study program and the final exam.

Teaching methods

Participatory frontal lessons by viewing and commenting images and videos. Simple practical experimentation activities to do in class or at home.

Assessment methods

The exam will be held in written form and will consist of a series of questions that will be provided by the teacher that morning.
Specifically, the test will consist of:
1) some multiple choice questions;
2) some open questions with short answers;
3) some argumentative questions to evaluate the ability to re-elaborate the contents; for these questions, which will be few in quantity, it will be useful to study one of the two texts chosen by Cristina Francucci (as indicated in the bibliography)

Each exam day is divided into slots of 2 hours each. The student can choose which slot to appear in during registration.

ERASMUS STUDENTS are required to write an essay on a topic of their choice but relevant to the contents of the course. The text must be min. 2 and max. 4 A4 pages and must be sent at least one week before the scheduled exam date. The evaluation of the work will constitute the exam grade.

Teaching tools

Slideshows with reproductions of works of art and images from educational projects carried out in schools and cultural institutions (museums and libraries).

Office hours

See the website of Ilaria Del Gaudio


Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.