00914 - Statistics (A-E)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Political, Social and International Sciences (cod. 8853)

Learning outcomes

The course introduces students to the main statistical methods and tools for the quantitative analysis of social and economic phenomena. The aim is two-fold: both using and interpreting statistical data and indexes. At the end of the course students: - know foundations of descriptive statistics and inference, - understand results from quantitative analysis, - are able to critically evaluate results from survey or census data, - are able to properly use the basic statistical tools for the quantitative analysis of economic and social data.

Course contents

First part - Descriptive Statistics: Types of variables. Statistical units, population and sample. Collecting and organizing data. Data set and frequency distributions. Graphic representations. Mean, mode, median and quantiles. Eterogeneity, variability and inequality measures. Bivariate statistical analysis. Relationships between variables: statistical dependence, covariance and linear correlation. Simple linear regression.

Second part - Probability and Statistical Inference: Itroduction to sampling and statistical inference. Probability, sampling designs and probability distributions. Point and interval estimation. Hypothesis testing.


Main textbook:

B. Pacini, M. Raggi, Statistica per l'analisi operativa dei dati, Carocci Editore (2009).

Main workbook:

L. Stracqualursi, M. Matteucci, Statistica e laboratorio, Monduzzi (2011).

Other textbooks:

B. Pacini, L. Picci, Introduzione alla statistica, CLUEB (2001).
D.M. Levine, T.C. Krehbiel, M.L. Berenson, Statistica, Apogeo (2002).

M.K Pelosi, T. M Sandifer, Introduzione alla statistica, McGraw Hill (2005).

F. Mecatti, Statistica di base - Come, quando, perché, McGraw-Hill (2010).

Other workbooks:

C. Iodice, Esercizi svolti per la prova di statistica, Edizioni Simone (2007).
L. Picci, Esercizi di statistica, CLUEB (2001).

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures, practice exercises.

Assessment methods

Examination would test the following points:

• knowledge of the statstical methods introduced during the lectures

• ability in the usage of the proper statstical tools to study social, politic and economic phenomea

• competence in the interprepretation of the results.

The exam is a written test, with exercizes and multiple-choice questions. In particular:

  1. First part - Descriptive Statistics (max score=30): 2 exercizes (score=12) and 3 multiple choice questions (if correct score=2, if blank score=0, if wrong=-1)
  2. Second part - Probability and Statistical Inference (max score=30): 2 exercizes (score=12) and 3 multiple choice questions (if correct score=2, if blank score=0, if wrong=-1)

Amount of time: 2 hours.

The written test is passed if at least a score equal to 16 is achieved for both parts. The final grade is a mean of these two scores +2.

The oral test is optional but the written test must be sufficient. It is based on the theoretical part. The final grade is a mean of the oral and written scores (only if both are sufficient).


During the lectures' period, 2 intermediate written tests are carried out:

  1. First written test - Descriptive Statistics (max score=30): 2 exercizes (score=12) and 3 multiple choice questions (if correct score=2, if blank score=0, if wrong=-1)
  2. Second written test - Probability and Statistical Inference (max score=30): 2 exercizes (score=12) and 3 multiple choice questions (if correct score=2, if blank score=0, if wrong=-1)

Amount of time for each test: 1 hours.

The written test is passed if at least a score equal to 16 is achieved for both intermediate tests. The final grade is a mean of these two scores +2. The oral test is again possible following the same assessment methods as described before.


In case of ONLINE exam, this will be only in the oral form (practical+theorical questions) via TEAMS. In particular:

  1. First part - Descriptive Statistics (max score=30): 1 or 2 exercizes focusing on the interpretation of the results (score=24) and an in-depth analysis of some theoretical topics (score=6)
  2. Second part - Probability and Statistical Inference (max score=30): 1 or 2 exercizes focusing on the interpretation of the results (score=24) and an in-depth analysis of some theoretical topics (score=6)

The test is passed if at least a score equal to 16 is achieved for both parts. The final grade is a mean of these two scores.

Teaching tools

Projector, PC, chalkboard.

Office hours

See the website of Giulia Roli