- Docente: Rafael Lozano Miralles
- Credits: 6
- SSD: L-LIN/06
- Language: Spanish
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
First cycle degree programme (L) in
European Studies (cod. 5983)
Also valid for Campus of Forli
First cycle degree programme (L) in Languages and Technologies for Intercultural Communication (cod. 5979)
from Feb 20, 2025 to May 16, 2025
Learning outcomes
The student knows the basic elements of Spanish literary culture - is able to identify them in specific literary texts - is able to independently develop further knowledge and skills of cultural-literary level and apply them to other literary texts.
Course contents
Between language, history and literature: a journey through Hispanic culture.
The course will address certain aspects of Spanish literary history from its origins to the 20th century. In addition to achieving a theoretical knowledge of the movements, genres and main authors of the various periods, the course aims to contribute to an in-depth understanding of the Spanish language and culture within its historical context. To this end, significant texts will be read and analysed, examining their aesthetic-literary, socio-cultural and linguistic aspects.
Required reading texts:
The texts that must be read are those included in the course's platform "VIRTUALE".
Essential reference bibliography:
C. Alvar, J.C. Mainer, R. Navarro, Breve historia de la literatura española, Madrid, Alianza.
J.C. Mainer, La Edad de Plata, Madrid, Cátedra.
F. Rico (ed.) Historia y crítica de la literatura española, Barcelona, Crítica.
F. Ruiz Ramón, Historia del Teatro español. Madrid, Cátedra.
Teaching methods
Seminar-type frontal lesson (interactive)
Assessment methods
The assessment will take place in mixed written and oral form in Spanish.
The written part will consist of a brief (2 handwritten pages, in Spanish, open book mode) analysis and commentary of texts or topics covered during the course.
The subsequent oral part will address the general evaluation of the knowledge acquired.
Grading Scale
30-30L: The candidate possesses an in-depth knowledge of the topic, an outstanding ability to apply theoretical concepts, a high level of argumentative clarity, as well as excellent analytical skills, and a well-developed ability to synthesize and establish interdisciplinary connections.
27–29: The candidate possesses an in-depth knowledge of the topic, a sound ability to apply theoretical concepts, good analytical skills, clear argumentative clarity and an ability to synthesize.
24-26: The candidate possesses a fair knowledge of the topic, a reasonable ability to apply theoretical concepts correctly and present ideas clearly.
21-23: The candidate possesses an adequate, but not in-depth, knowledge of the topic, a partial ability to apply theoretical concepts, and acceptable presentation skills.
18-20: The candidate possesses a barely adequate and only superficial knowledge of topic, limited presentation skills, and only an inconsistent ability to apply theoretical concepts.
< 18 Fail: The candidate possesses an inadequate knowledge of the topic, makes significant errors in applying theoretical concepts, and shows weak presentation skills.
Teaching tools
PC and video projector, platform "VIRTUALE"
Office hours
See the website of Rafael Lozano Miralles