B2809 - Practicum Training 6 CFU - Internal (C4)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Raffaella Nori (Modulo 1) Micaela Maria Zucchelli (Modulo 2) Raffaella Nori (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Applied Cognitive Psychology (cod. 5965)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the activity the student is able to: - choose the most appropriate tools in relation to the objective to be achieved; - choose the most appropriate technique in relation to the objective of the service in which he/she is called to work; - identify the complementary professional resources to carry out his/her intervention; - establish the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions; - analyze the relational and institutional context in which he/she carries out his/her intervention.

Course contents

The contents of the internship include the following activities: analysis of the history interview, learning how to administer scoring and interpretation of test instrumentation of functions such as personality, interpersonal skills, parenting skills discussion of cases in charge of the Legal Expert Advisory Service services.

In-person activities of the tutor: preparation of the informed consent form and data processing for participants in application of professional ethics, the relationship with lawyers, the judge, and all actors involved in the evaluation process required by the court, how to conduct an interview in the legal field, administration of the main test instruments (MMPI-2, Hathaway, and McKinley, 1995; PASS Bricklin, 2005;16PF-5 Russell, and Karol, 2001). soring and interpretation, the steps of a court-appointed technical expertise in writing the final report.

Activities in progressive autonomy with tutor supervision: preparation of the informed consent form and data processing for participants in application of professional ethics, the relationship with lawyers, the judge and all actors involved in the evaluation process required by the court, how to conduct an interview in the legal field, administration of the main textual tools, soring and interpretation, the steps of a technical expert opinion in writing the final report.

The professional context of application is legal psychology.

The area of intervention is legal and forensic psychology.

The target audience includes families and couples involved in child custody litigation.

The professional tools that the trainee will acquire are as follows: administration and interpretation of standardized psychological tests of maximum performance, personality tests, the anamenstic interview, the conduct and evaluation of behavioral observation


Teaching materials provided by the tutor.

The reference bibliography for the use of CTU drafting and textual instrumentation will be as follows:

American Psychiatric Association (2014). DSM-5. Manuale diagnostico e statistico dei disturbi mentali (Traduzione italiana a cura di M. Biondi). Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Bene, E., e Anthony, J. (1991). F.R.T. – Family Relations Test. Una metodologia di analisi delle relazioni familiari. (Adattamento italiano a cura di A. S. de Rosa). Firenze: O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali.

Bricklin, B. (2005). Parent awareness skills survey (PASS). In B. Bricklin, Nuovi test psicologici per l'affidamento dei figli in casi di separazione e divorzio: l'access. Milano: Giuffrè.

Butcher, J. N., e Williams, C. L. (1996). Fondamenti per l’interpretazione del MMPI-2 e del MMPI-A. (Adattamento italiano a cura di G. Narbone). Firenze: Giunti; O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali.

Carellazzi, V. L. (2010). Il test del disegno della figura umana III Edizione. Roma: Las.

Cigoli, V., Gullotta, G., e Santi G. (1997). Separazione, divorzio e affidamento dei figli. Tecniche e criteri della perizia e del trattamento. Milano: Giuffrè Editore.

Corman, L. (1970). Il disegno della famiglia: test per bambini. Torino: Boringhieri.

Crocetti, G. (1986). Il bambino nella pioggia. Il significato del disegno infantile nel dialogo terapeutico. Roma: A. Armando.

Del Castello E. (2015). La diagnosi psicologica guidata dal MMPI-2. Descrizione della personalità e valutazione della psicopatologia. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Fossati, A; Feeney J., A; Grazioli, F; Borroni, S; Acquarini, Elena; Maffei, C. (2007). L’Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ) di Feeney, Noller e Hanrahan. La valutazione dell’attaccamento adulto. I questionari autosomministrati. Milano. Raffaello Cortina.

Greco, O. (2004). La doppia luna. Test dei confini e delle appartenenze familiari. Milano: Vita e Pensiero.

Hathaway, S. R., e McKinley, J. C. (1995). MMPI-2. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – 2. (Adattamento italiano a cura di P. Cancheri e S. Sirigatti). Firenze: O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali.

Machover, K. (1968). Il disegno della figura umana: un metodo di indagine. Firenze: O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali.

Malagoli Togliatti, M, e Mazzoni S. (2006). Osservare, valutare e sostenere la relazione genitori-figli. Il Lausanne Trilogue Play clinico. Milano: Raffaella Cortina

Simonelli, A., Bighin, M., e De Palo F. (2011). Il lausanne trilogue play. Modelli di ricerca e di intervento. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.

Russell, M.T., e Karol, D.L. (2001). 16PF-5 di R.B. Cattell, A.K.S. Cattell e H.E.P. Cattell Manuale (adattamento italiano S. Sirigatti e C. Stefanile). Firenze O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali.

Teaching methods

The methods used to achieve the skills involve: participation in discussions with the tutor, practical demonstrations and simulations, group activities with other trainees, activities guided and supervised by the tutor, and activities in progressive autonomy with deferred supervision by the tutor. The venue for the activity is the Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari," Bologna campus.

Assessment methods

The tutor will evaluate the skills acquired by the trainee in itinere and at the conclusion of the internship using a standardized procedure prepared by the Department of Psychology that will result in an award of eligibility valid for access to the Practical Assessment Test.

Teaching tools

Slides and handouts.

Office hours

See the website of Raffaella Nori

See the website of Micaela Maria Zucchelli