21360 - Critical Care Nursing (BO1)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5907)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student correlates different clinical care knowledge to recognize indicators of criticality in the different operational contexts of the emergency-urgency area. Knows and applies appropriate interventions based on the organization, standards and protocols/procedures shared by the scientific community. Identifies, plans and evaluates care interventions and collaborates with other professionals in diagnostic-therapeutic pathways.

Course contents

Generalities on Critical Care Nursing: patient pathway and nurse competencies; general principles of basic care and safety concepts in the critical care area.

Nursing care in the ICU and invasive and noninvasive monitoring of vital functions; main rating scales.

Nursing Care in Cardio Circulatory Failure in the Critical Care Area: monitoring of vital parameters and indication of major Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative Problems.

Nursing Care in Respiratory Failure in the Critical Care Area: main presenting patterns and related instrumental monitoring of functions with the main Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative Problems.

Renal Failure and Nursing Management of the Main Modalities of Performing Replacement Therapy (CRRT).

Emergency management: organization and accreditation of the emergency department (Presidential Decree 27/03/1992).

Nursing diagnoses and major collaborative problems in critical care and emergency areas.

Nursing care of the person with polytrauma, head and vertebrospinal trauma and the nurse's competencies.

Organ transplants: concept of terminal organ failure and the role of the nurse.

Shock: principles of nursing care and the nurse's responsibility.

Artificial nutrition in the critically ill person.


Essential bibliography:

Pier Luigi Badon; Gian Domenico Giusti Nursing Care in the Critical Care Area and in Emergency.

CEA Editions Milan September 2022 EAN/ISBN 9788808980076 (eBook 9788808639257)

Additional bibliography and recommended readings:

- M. Chiaranda Urgencies and Emergency Institutions Fifth Edition Piccin Padua 2022

- P.L. Marino The ICU book. Intensive care. Fundamental principles Fourth edition Edra Masson Milan 2014 EAN/ISDN 9788821438686

- G.D. Giusti; M. Benetton (ed.) Quaderni dell'Assistenza in Area critica Guida al monitoraggio in Area critica Maggioli editore S. Arcangelo di Romagna (Rn) 2014

- G.D. Giusti; M. Benetton Quaderni dell'Assistenza in Area critica. The care of the body in intensive care Maggioli publisher S. Arcangelo di Romagna (Rn) 2013

- L. Saiani; A. Brugnolli Treatise on Medicine and Nursing An Integrated Approach Casa Editrice Ambrosiana Milan 2017

- G. Romigi; D. Bove (ed.) Second Edition Competencies, Skills and Responsibilities of the Nurse in Drug Therapy Guidelines for proper and safe drug administration EDISES Naples 2023

- A. Bagnasco; S. Scelsi A. Silvestro; G. Rocco; L. Sasso Nursing in the Critical Care Area Third Edition Mc Graw-Hill Books Italy Milan 2020

- GFT (Triage Training Group) Nursing Triage Fourth edition Mc Graw-Hill Books Italy Milan 2019

- M. Venturino What goldfish dream about Oscar Mondadori Milan 2014

Teaching methods

Frontal and interactive lectures with discussion of the topics covered.

Laboratory/Seminar activities carried out in groups.

Assessment methods

Verification will be by oral test for the purpose of assessing the student's possession of knowledge in critical care nursing (critical care and emergency/emergency setting).

The student's ability to argue, plan care, and apply knowledge, as well as the use of appropriate language and specific technical terminology will be particularly assessed.

Teaching tools

Power-Point presentation; Flip chart;

Devices and aids for the emergency/emergency trolley;

Devices and aids for the management of the ventilatory prosthesis and the performance of the tracheo-bronchial secretion aspiration technique;

Devices and aids for the performance of the monitoring of vital parameter values.

Office hours

See the website of Pietro Capodiferro