02882 - Anatomy

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Midwifery (cod. 6064)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student can understand the organization of the human body and the major structural and morphological features underlying the functions of the organs, with a particular focus on the different aspects of the female system.

Course contents

GENERAL ASPECTS: Anatomical terminology. Plans and axes of the human body.

LOCOMOTOR APPARATUS - BONES: Spine. Rib cage. Bones of the hip and pelvis as a whole. Diameters of the pelvis. Bones of the shoulder girdle. Bones of the upper limb. Bones of the lower limb. Skull in general. JOINTS: Generalities on the joints. Spinal joints (notes). Major joints of the upper and lower limb. Sacroiliac joint. MUSCLES: Major muscle groups of the trunk and limbs.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Spinal cord. Brain (brain stem, cerebellum, midbrain, cerebrum, the main areas of the brain). Meninges, cavity and ventricular cerebrospinal fluid. Major nerve pathways.

PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Outline of the cranial nerves. Generalities on the spinal nerves.

AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: Organization of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, particularly in relation to organs innervation of female genital tract.

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Heart: gross anatomy, conduction system and coronary arteries. Small and large circulation. Generalities on the blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, veins). Course aorta artery. Upon expiry of the vena cava.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Overview of the airways (nasal cavities, larynx, trachea and bronchi). Lungs: macro- and microscopic anatomy, blood, pleural lining.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Overview of oral cavity, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus. Stomach: macro- and microscopic anatomy. Small intestine and large intestine: macro- and microscopic anatomy. Liver: macro- and microscopic anatomy, biliary tract, portal circulation. Exocrine and endocrine pancreas.

URINARY SYSTEM: Kidney: macro- and microscopic anatomy, vasculature. Urinary tract (notes). Bladder.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Ovary: macro- and microscopic anatomy, vessels and nerves. Uterine tubes: macro- and microscopic anatomy. Uterus: macro- and microscopic anatomy, vessels and nerves. Vagina: macro- and microscopic anatomy. Ovarian cycle and menstrual cycle.

MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Testicles and sperm ducts. Prostate. Male urethra.

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Pituitary, adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid.

SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE: Mammary gland. Anatomy of mammary gland and physiological modifications during puberty, pregnancy and breast-feeding (according to OMS -UNICEF guidelines)


Martini, Timmons - Anatomia Umana - EdiSes

F. Netter - Atlante di Anatomia Umana - Edra

Teaching methods

Lectures with extensive use of images and plastic modela, in oder to facilitate the acquisition of fundamental anatomical basis through the stimulation of visual memory.

Assessment methods

Oral interview, whose result is graduated from 18/30 to 30/30. The minimum grade is achieved by a non-thorough knowledge of the subject, 19 to 25 for a fair knowledge, 26 to 29 for a good knowledge, while 30 represents a great knowledge and "cum laude" is added in case of excellence.

The result is integrated with Histology and Physiology Courses. The final evaluation takes into account the grades of the entire Course.

Teaching tools

- PowerPoint presentations

- Observation of plastic models

Office hours

See the website of Camilla Evangelisti