B5205 - Professional Development Topics 2

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and Management of Forest Territory, Landscape and Environment (cod. 6068)

Learning outcomes

The student acquires further knowledge about innovations in multi-disciplinary topics in seminars, conferences and internships; he/she knows how to use the main means of communication with appropriate and specialised technical-scientific language; he/she is able to transfer the results of scientific research to particular cases in the processes of evaluation, planning and management of agro-forestry territories.

Course contents

Events focus on professional development offered both by UNIBO and external events, such as workshops, courses, seminars, conferences and other occasions for scientific and technical meetings to deepen the themes characterizing the master degree in Planning and Management of Forest Territory, Landscape and Environment. The student must participate in the events and be able to document his/her attendance to them for a total of at least 10 hours to be proven by certificates of participation issued by the organizing committee.


Educational and informative material distributed during the events followed or attended by the student. conference or workshop proceedings and/or online presentations.

Teaching methods

Seminars, conferences, professional courses, workshops, etc.

Assessment methods

The student prepares a summary report of the events followed and will also have to undergo a short interview to assess the degree of learning achieved during the activities.

Certificates of attendance in training events must be included into the report for a total of at least 10 hours.

Passing the test is recorded as 'eligibility'.

Teaching tools

The presence on the territory of scientific, popular and cultural events on topics of interest to the course of Planning and Management of Forest Territory, Landscape and Environment that can be followed for the acquisition of credits is periodically reported to students through the publication on website of the the Department of Science and Technology agro-food (www.distal.unibo.it/).

In addition, selected events will be notified to each student by official email (name.surname@studio.unibo.it).

Office hours

See the website of Gloria Falsone


Sustainable cities Climate Action Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.