B4983 - Urban Aesthetics

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape (cod. 5809)

Learning outcomes

Once completed the course, the student knows the theoretical references and the methods to identify and relate the tangible and intangible aspects characterizing the heritage of urban contexts, in the cultural, relational and aesthetic-perceptive aspects.

Course contents

The course continues the focus on conceptual frameworks for defining urban and landscape aesthetics from some exemplary theoretical and descriptive constructs of individual cities, metropolises or megacities and, in the same perspective, deepens a series of elements and categories for the experience and analysis of the city, its forms and cultures. During the course of the integrated course, intermediate exercises are planned, if possible in the field, and a final exercise, which will use different media, such as writing, video, photos, drawing, as appropriate. The lessons and exercises are divided into thematic blocks, which are indicated below with the relevant bibliography:

1. Introduction to the course.
How can city and landscape aesthetics be further defined?

For a philosophy of the urban experience of space

The social life of urban space.

2. Elements and categories of city aesthetics (the window, the shop window, the wall, the subway, the street, the bridge and the door) and Temporary Citizenship (tourists, migrants, students).
Field exercise.

3. Categories for the aesthetics of the city: walking. Walkscapes: Dadaist visit, Surrealist walking, Lettrist and Situationist drift. Slowing down of perception, generative grammar of legs and world as apparition.
Jirō Taniguchi, The Walking Man.
Field exercise.

4. Images of the city: the cinema of the big city, Berlin. Symphony of a big city by Walter Ruttmann; René Clair, Sleeping Paris; Dziga Vertov, The man with the camera and Alberto Cavalcanti, Nothing but time.

5. Images of the city: Porosity and the Hybrid City --Benjamin and Lacis' Naples and the operationalization of the concept for the analysis of contemporary cities.

6. The anthropocene and the new urban aesthetic.

Images of Cities: The Human Epoch.

Final exercise.


1. The Routledge Companion to Urban Imaginaries, Edited By Christoph Lindne and Miriam Meissner, London, Routledge, 2019; Urban Culture: Exploring Cities and Cultures, By Alan C Turley, London, Routledge, 2004.

Sanna Lehtinen, Editorial Introduction to the Special Volume on Urban Aesthetics, in “Contemporary Aesthetics”, vol. 8, 2020 https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/liberalarts_contempaesthetics/vol0/iss8/1/

2. G. Simmel, Bridge and door, https://it.scribd.com/doc/217039509/Georg-Simmel-Bridge-and-Door; S. Kracauer, Farewell to the Linden Arcade, in The Mass Ornament, Cambridge, Harvard UP, 1995, and The Underpass, in Streets in Berlin & Elsewhere, London, Polity Press, 2006; W. Brown, Walled States, Waning Sovereignty, Princeton, Princeton U.P., 2010.

3. F. Careri, Walkscapes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8rdI20LrOk; Jirō Taniguchi, The Walking Man: And Other Perambulations, Wisbech, Fanfare, 2004.

4. A. Somaini, Cronogrammi della metropoli [Chronograms of the metropolis]. Clair, Ruttmann, Vertov, Ejzenštejn, in M. Vegetti (ed.), Filosofie della metropoli. Spazio, potere, architettura nel pensiero del Novecento [Philosophies of the metropolis. Space, power, architecture in twentieth-century thought], Roma, Carocci, 2009, pp. 153-182.

5. W. Benjamin and A. Lacis, Naples, 1925; Porous City-From Metaphor to Urban Agenda, ed. by S. Wolfrum, Berlin et al., De Gruyter, 2018.

6. L. Gasperoni, Anthropocene, in International Lexicon of Aesthetics online, 2022. Aesthetics of the Anthropocene I and II, in CPCL, vol. 5, No. 1 and 2, (2022, https://cpcl.unibo.it/).

Teaching methods

The course is designed to provide tools for deepening the discipline. The course will be conducted as part of the integrated course through lectures, seminars, exercises and study visits.

Assessment methods

The examination is oral as part of the final examination of the integrated course. The exam will focus on the topics covered in the classroom lessons and on the texts in the programme, but it may also be based on any in-depth studies that the student has presented either orally during the lessons or in written form after the end of the course.
In detail:
- the verification of the formative objective of acquiring the main philosophical-social elaborations on the contemporary city and on the images, cultures and forms of urban life and landscape and the contribution that the different forms of expression have provided to the shaping of the experience of places and to the understanding of urban phenomena will be carried out through the presentations of individual texts or audiovisual materials agreed with the lecturer within the course;
- the verification of the formative objective of acquiring the tools to read and critically analyse the urban landscape and complex places within it will be implemented through the elaboration of field surveys using texts, films and creative products;
- both tests will be completed by the individual oral examination at the end of the integrated course, which will include questions on the texts in the bibliography and on the various final papers provided.

The final assessment will be determined on the basis of the following indicators:
1 - Knowledge of the subject matter covered in the course of the lectures (0 to 6)
2 - Knowledge of the insights provided in the bibliography (from 0 to 6)
3 - Quality of presentation (0 to 6)
4 - Personal elaboration of the contents (from 0 to 6)
5 - Intermediate tests, exhibitions or papers (0 to 6)

Teaching tools

The specific bibliographies for the different parts of the course will be analysed and acquired during the various lessons, starting from the tools available in the texts indicated in the programme. The didactic material presented in the course of the lectures will be made available to the student in paper format or electronically via the Internet, depending on the access restrictions, as will be indicated at the beginning of the course.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Borsari


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.