95770 - Energy Labels Laboratory P

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Cesare Biserni (Modulo 1) Cesare Biserni (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Techniques and Management for Construction and Land (cod. 6008)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module the students will have acquired the skills for the compilation of an Energy Certification by mean of the energy performance indexes calcualtion. The students know methods to improve the building efficiency from the energy aspects.

Course contents


The nature of thermodynamics: temperature and heat - Applications of thermodynamics to the closed system - The first law of the thermodynamics: work, internal energy and energy balances - The second law of thermodynamics and formulation of entropy - The open system: conservation of mass and balance of mechanic energy -The loss term and Moody Diagram - Macroscopic properties of pure substances: (p,v,T) surface and (p,v) diagram - Ideal gases and equation of state - (T,s) diagram - Air and vapour mixtures: psychrometric transformation and charts - Thermodynamic cycles: Rankine cycle and refrigeration cycle - Thermal conduction: Fourier's law - Simple cases of steady state conduction in cartesian and cylindrical coordinates - Thermal resistance and electrical analogy: thermal resistances networks - Thermal convection - The Newton's law - Heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number - Radiation heat transfer- Global heat transfer coefficient: thermal transmittance with reference to the building envelope - Main criteria for the thermohygrometric verification of building structures.

UNI TS 11300. Energy performance of buildings – Energy needs for heating and cooling - Heat transfer by transmission, heat transfer by ventilation, internal heat gains and solar heat gains - Primary energy calculation – Definition of EP indices - The target building method- Energy performance certification and energy labels- Case studies by means of the DOCET code developed by ENEA-CNR. 



The handwritten notes taken during the lessons and the material given by the teacher are enough to prepare for the exam. In order to achieve a deeper knowledge of some topics the following books are suggested:

- Y.A. Cengel, Termodinamica e trasmissione del calore - Quarta edizione, McGraw-Hill;

- G. Cammarata, Fisica Tecnica Ambientale, McGraw-Hill;

- Y.A. Çengel,G. dall’O’, L. Sarto, Fisica Tecnica Ambientale, McGraw-Hill;

- M. Spiga, Efficienza Energetica e Termofisica dell’Edificio, Esculapio.

Teaching methods

Classroom lessons and guided solution of exercises.

Assessment methods

The final exam is unique for both modules and consists of a written test with theoretical questions and numerical exercises followed by a short oral test, aimed at demonstrating the candidate's operational capacity in relation to the key concepts illustrated during the course.

Teaching tools

PC projector and materials downloadable from teacher’s web site.

Office hours

See the website of Cesare Biserni


Affordable and clean energy Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.