- Docente: Luca Pozza
- Credits: 6
- SSD: ICAR/09
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Vittoria Laghi (Modulo 1) Luca Pozza (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning (Modulo 1) Blended Learning (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Techniques and Management for Construction and Land (cod. 6008)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Dec 19, 2024
from Sep 20, 2024 to Dec 13, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the Principle of Structural engineering course, the student knows the techniques for the realization of the structural components of infrastructures and building construction; knows the principles of the structural dimensioning of the main structural elements and their representation in graphic tables and drafting of reports; knows the procedures for conducting the construction management of structural interventions, as well as infrastructures and building constructions; knows the criteria for the preparation of monitoring and diagnostic plans for structures.
Course contents
The student entering this course must be familiar with the basic concepts of statics, the geometry of masses, and construction science. In particular, the concepts of: forces, moments, constraints, static moments, moment of inertia, tension, deformation, constitutive bonding, equilibrium, congruence, stress characteristics, and solving isostatic structures must be known.
Presentation of recurring structural types.
Structural design scheme:
- ground load paths
- systems resistant to vertical actions
- systems resistant to horizontal actions (bracing systems, shear walls, pendulum systems, frames with bending moment transmission nodes)
Structural analysis
Analysis of the design and construction process of a structure.
Reference regulatory framework: Italian regulations and Eurocodes.
Construction materials.
Actions on structures and their combinations.
Verification methodologies: admissible stress method and limit state method.
Recalls about Construction Science.
- Steel structures: deformability, strength and stability checks, references to bolted and welded connections. Typological details.
- Reinforced concrete structures: resistance to bending, shear and compression. Reinforcement schemes and typological details.
- References to timber structures and typological details.
- References to masonry structures.
- References to foundation structures: surface foundations and deep foundations.
At the end of the course, and after passing the final verification test, the student has fundamental knowledge of the design of the structures, and in particular on the individual aspects of the design process: structural analysis of recurrent constructive typologies; construction materials, actions and load combinations, structural elements verification, design criteria for steel, concrete, wood, masonry and foundation structures; construction details of the main structural types.
- P. Pozzati, C. Ceccoli, 1977, "Teoria e tecnica delle strutture", UTET.
- R. Giannini, 2011, "Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Civili", Citta' Studi Edizioni.
- M. Mezzina, 2021, "Fondamenti di Tecnica delle Costruzioni", 2a edizione, Citta' Studi Edizioni.
- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, C. Bernuzzi, R. Landolfo, 2020, "Strutture di acciaio: Teoria e progetto", 2a edizione, Hoepli.
- G. Ballio, F.M. Mazzolani, 1979, "Strutture in acciaio", ristampa 2007, Hoepli.
- A. Ghersi, 2005, "Il cemento armato: dalle tensioni ammissibili agli stati limite: un approccio unitario", Dario Flaccovio Editore.
- E. Cosenza, G. Manfredi, M. Pecce, 2008, "Strutture in cemento armato: basi della progettazione", Hoepli.
- A. Cinuzzi, S. Gaudiano, “Principi di progettazione per strutture di edifici in cemento armato” Volumi I, II, III e IV, II edizione aprile 2021.
- G. Giordano, "Tecnica delle costruzioni in legno", Hoepli, 1999.
- Piazza M., Tomasi R., Modena R., Strutture in legno - Materiale, calcolo e progetto secondo le nuove normative europee, Hoepli, 2005
- G. Righetti, L. Bari, “L'edificio in muratura” prima edizione - Lambda 1993
- R. Lancellotta, J. Calavera, 1999, "Fondazioni", McGraw-Hill.
- C. Viggiani, 1999, "Fondazioni", Hevelius Edizioni.
Teaching methods
Lectures on the theoretical basis of the problems covered by the course. Lectures on application and technological aspects of structural design. Lessons on design examples.
The lessons will mainly take place with the use of slide presentations and the use of blackboard.
Lessons will be recorded.
Assessment methods
The verification of learning takes place through the development of a project and a final examination. Both activities allow the acquisition of expected knowledge and skills to be assessed. To access the final exam it is necessary to hand over the project developed during the lesson period with the help of the teacher.
The oral exam is usually divided into three parts, which deal with:
- discussion on the design;
- design, calculation and verification of structural elements;
- theoretical aspects related to the above mentioned programme.
Passing the exam will be guaranteed to students who demonstrate mastery and operational ability in relation to the key concepts illustrated in the teaching, and in particular to a good command of the methods of resolution of structures and the correct application of design and verification techniques.
Failure to pass the exam may be due to serious deficiencies in the design, insufficient knowledge of the basic concepts or lack of mastery of technical language.
Teaching tools
Whiteboard, Projector, and Slide in digital format.
Material downloadable via virtuale.unibo.it platform
Office hours
See the website of Luca Pozza
See the website of Vittoria Laghi