- Docente: Stefania Albonetti
- Credits: 6
- SSD: CHIM/04
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Daniele Caretti (Modulo 2) Stefania Albonetti (Modulo 1) Maria Letizia Focarete (Modulo 3)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Blended Learning (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Chemical methodologies for products and processes (cod. 6006)
from Feb 18, 2025 to Feb 27, 2025
from Sep 25, 2024 to May 21, 2025
from Mar 06, 2025 to Apr 02, 2025
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide the fundamental foundations of the chemistry of formulations, the main areas of application and the different types of formulations. Students will be able to distinguish the functions of the various components and additives in the various production chains, they will know the main formulation preparation and processing technologies.
Course contents
the student who accesses this course is in possession of the fundamental knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry and of the chemistry of macromolecules. The course program is divided into the following topics:
- 1-Introduction to the fundamentals of formulations
The aim of this part of the course is to provide a general overview of the chemistry of formulations through the recall of basic knowledge, the study of preparation methods and instrumental investigation techniques.
Fundamental concepts of the science of colloids and surfaces: peculiarities and role in the chemistry of formulations.
Powder properties and their measurability. Fundamental concepts related to the production of stable dispersions using powder materials.
Introduction to the concepts of surface tension, wettability, contact angle. industrial surfactants.
Fundamentals of the properties of dispersed systems (dispersions, emulsions, foams), evaluation of the stability and instability of systems, additives used in various industrial processes.
Fundamentals of rheology, classification of the rheological behavior of industrial suspensions and introduction to tools useful for their characterization.
- 2-Formulation industry
This part of the course aims to place the various sectors of the formulation industry on the national and international scene and address some general issues related to industrial formulation which will subsequently be applied to specific cases chosen as an example in collaboration with institutes and companies in the supply chains that support the professionalizing course.
The formulation in detergents
Formulation in the fertilizer and agri-food industries
The formulation in the ceramic and glass industry
The formulation in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry
The formulation in the paint industry
- 3-Polymer formulations (Modules 2 and 3)
The course aims to provide the student with the necessary skills to deal with industrial problems related to the formulation of polymers and their mixtures, to obtain manufactured articles with targeted properties, according to different production technologies. At the end of the course the student will have basic knowledge of the rheology of polymers in the molten state, of the principles of the most common transformation processes. In particular, the student knows how to design a polymer product through the optimal management of the transformation technology.
Degradation and stabilization of polymeric materials
Additives for polymers
Melt rheology: technological aspects
Main transformation techniques of synthetic polymers (extrusion, moulding, blown film, etc.).
Polymer Formulation
Chapters relative to the different subjects of the course in: - “Fondamenti di Scienza dei polimeri” M.Guaita et al. Ed. Pacini, Pisa,1998 - “Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Polimerici” S. Brukner et al. Ed. Edises, Napoli, 2001 Virtuale platform will be used to deposit power point documents and reading materials. prepared by the teacherTeaching methods
A wide variety of teaching techniques will be used, from traditional lectures, to group work on course related topics, to the use of seminars and tutorials and e-learning parts. Attendance is strongly recommended in order to be able to grasp the fundamental critical aspects of the subject and the connections between the different parts of the programme.
Assessment methods
The verification of learning takes place through an oral exam aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of knowledge. The oral exam will be in 2 part, divided for module 1 and for the modules on polymer formulations (2 and 3). The property of language and the ability to make connections are plus points. The final mark for the course will be calculated from the weighted average of the two marks on the modules.
Teaching tools
The course takes place through lessons and exercises carried out in the classroom with the recording of part of the lessons via panopto. Innovative hybrid teaching methods will also be activated, especially in the parts of the course in collaboration with companies. The activities carried out in the course also make use of supports such as power point presentations, films and multimedia whiteboards; all the teaching material presented is accessible to students on the teaching application https://virtuale.unibo.it/ .
Office hours
See the website of Stefania Albonetti
See the website of Daniele Caretti
See the website of Maria Letizia Focarete

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.