- Docente: Marcella Spinaci
- Credits: 5
- SSD: VET/02
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Marcella Spinaci (Modulo 1) Pier Attilio Accorsi (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 5984)
from Oct 10, 2024 to Dec 09, 2024
from Nov 07, 2024 to Dec 11, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student should know in details the fundamental mechanisms regulating reproductive and metabolic activity of domestic animals. He/she should possess knowledge of the ethogram of the main species of veterinary interest.
Course contents
This course is part of the Integrated course in "Physiology II, ethology and endocrinology".
Module 1 (Prof.ssa Marcella Spinaci)
General Endocrinology: hormone chemistry, receptors and mechanisms of action. Transport of hormones. Pituitary and hypothalamic hormones. Regulation of hormone secretion and activity.
Phisiology of reproduction. Physiology of puberty. Factors affecting puberty. Estrous cycle: general aspects and species-specific characteristics. Hormonal control of the estrous cycle. Follicular wave and ovulation. The luteal phase and the corpus luteum. Luteolysis: peculiaritiesof species. Seasonal reproductive activity. Male reproductive system: hormonal regulation of the reproductive function. Gametogenesis, fertilization and embryo development. The endocrinology of pregnancy and parturition. Physiology of lactation.
Module 2 (Prof. Pier Attilio Accorsi)
Metabolic Endocrinology.The thyroid gland: synthesis, secretion, transport and effects of thyroid hormones. Goiter. Endocrine pancreas: synthesis, secretion and action of insulin and glucagon. The adrenal gland: synthesis and action of glucocorticoids. Hormonal regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis. Effects of parathormone, calcitriol and calcitonin. Growth hormone: synthesis, regulation of secretion and effects.
Ethology. Brief history of ethology. Ethograms of farm and companion animals. Animal Learning. Communicative behaviour: visual, auditory and chemical communications. Feeding behaviour. Social and reproductive behaviour in domestic animals. Parturient behaviour and maternal care. Stress physiology and ethology. Approach to animal welfare assessment. Brief mention of the main behavioural problems.
The Syllabus of the course unit and the list of EAEVE Day One Competences that the course unit contributes to achieving can be viewed on the dedicated page.
O. Sjaastad, O. Sand, K. Hove. Physiology of domestic animals. Scandinavian veterinary press.
M.J. Swenson and W.O.Reece. Duke's Physiology of domestic animals (eleventh edition).
E.S.E. Hafez & B. Hafez, Reproduction in Farm Animals, 7th Edition.
McDonald's VETERINARY ENDOCRINOLOGY AND REPRODUCTION. Ed. Pineda & Doooley, IowaState Press (5th edition).
C.Carenzi, M.Panzera et al. ETOLOGIA APPLICATA E BENESSERE ANIMALE (vol.I – II). Ed. Le Point Vétérinaire Italie (2009).
J.K. Shaw, D. Martin. Canine and feline behavior for veterinary technicians and nurses. John Wiley & Sons
Teaching methods
Ex cathedra lectures, seminars, practical activities.
According to the actual regulations, the student needs to follow both lessons and practical activities.
Assessment methods
Written exam. The written exam will consist of 75 questions (either multiple choice questions or very short questions with open answers); each multiple choice question can have more than one exact answer. In case of open questions, the answer must not exceed the available space. The score ranges between 0 (zero) and 1 (one) depending on whether the answer is exact and pertinent to the question. No answer will have a score equal to zero.
The student will not have the possibility to use textbooks, memos or data storage devices.
The exam will be considered as passed if the total score is equal or above 45 points.
The exam will take up to 80 min; if the student will to sustain the whole "integrated course" exam, it will take up to 180 min.
The final grade of the integrated course "Veterinary physiology II, ethology and endocrinology" derives from the final assessments of the different courses that compose the integrated course, weighted on the CFU of each course. The Minimum passing grade is 18/30. The maximum grade is 30/30 (cum laude).
The student can refuse the verbalization of the positive grade proposed twice (University teaching regulations ART. 16, paragraph 5).
EVALUATION OF STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Particular attention will be given to the evaluation of students certified in accordance with Law 104/90 and Law 170/2010, or students who are recognized as having a special educational need (BES).
Teaching tools
PC, labs.
Office hours
See the website of Marcella Spinaci
See the website of Pier Attilio Accorsi