34663 - Electrical Systems M

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

As the course is delivered in Italian, the reader is encouraged to refer to the corresponding box written in Italian. For convenience, however, the relevant translation in English is provided below. Fundamentals for the analysis of the performance and functionalities of an electrical installation. Transmission lines theory, line parameters appraisal and choice of the main characteristics/features of overhead lines and cables. Electric arc and short circuit current interruption. Manoeuvre and protection devices and apparatuses. Electrical safety. Main criteria for the design of MV and LV users electrical installations.

Course contents

As the course is delivered in Italian, the reader is encouraged to refer also to the corresponding box written in Italian. For convenience, however, the relevant translation in English is provided below.

The course is divided into two modules pf 60 and 30 hours respectively both delivered by Prof. C.A. Nucci: in the 60 hours of lecture the principles, the structure of the electrical systems, as well as the theoretical basis for their design and the connection to them of renewable source generators is provided; the module of 30 hours is devoted to examples and exercises on the design of electrical systems of medium and low voltage (MV and LV) and to Renewable Energy Communities.

The course program is as follows:

  • History of electrical power systems (elements of)
  • National electric energy needs and Structure of transmission and distribution networks
  • Transmission line theory: primary and secondary parameter, wave equations, equivalent circuits, appraisal of voltage drops
  • Transformers and synchronous generators (brief survey on fundamentals)
  • Load-Flow basics
  • Sequence method for the solution of unbalanced three-phase systems
  • Thermal analysis of operation conditions of overhead lines and cables and Joule integral
  • Electro-dynamic effects of short circuit currents
  • Electric arc theory
  • Switch-gears, control-gears, and protection devices for medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) levels
  • Electrical safety in electrical installations: electric shock safety curves (current and voltage), protection against direct and indirect electric contact
  • Neutral conductor earthing methods
  • Lightning protection of lines and structures
  • Emergency Power Systems Units and UPS
  • Smart grid and climate neutral smart cities
  • Local Energy Communities (CEC and REC)
  • Design and sizing of electrical LV and MV plants and their connection to the grid, with particular reference to dispersed/renewable generation, layout definition, sizing of electrical ducts/lines, short circuit calculation, protections selection and relevant coordination, power factor correction systems, relevant standards.
  • Elements of lightning technology


As the course is delivered in Italian, the reader is encouraged to refer also to the corresponding box written in Italian. For convenience, however, the relevant translation in English is provided below.

  • Copies of the slides illustrated during the course are provided to students before each relevant lecture; written notes prepared by the docents of the Electric Power Systems laboratory of the University of Bologna are provided to students too.

Teaching methods

As the course is delivered in Italian, the reader is encouraged to refer also to the corresponding box written in Italian. For convenience, however, the relevant translation in English is provided below.

  • Traditional frontal lectures with the help of ppt slides and blackboard.
  • Exercises on the blackboard.
  • Laboratory exercises with the aid of the computer for the calculation and sizing of electrical systems.
  • Laboratory sessions on MV and LV equipment.

Assessment methods

As the course is delivered in Italian, the reader is encouraged to refer also to the corresponding box written in Italian. For convenience, however, the relevant translation in English is provided below.

For 6 CFU Module an oral test is required to be successfully accomplished. To this aim, students must demonstrate solid preparation concerning the main concepts discussed in the lectures and in particular in relation to the theoretical basis, the methods of calculation and assessment of the equipment and the operating principles used. A higher score will be awarded to students who demonstrate that they understand and are able to apply all the methodological content by exposing them with mastery. The test is failed when the insufficient knowledge of the main concepts of matter and of the technical language are evident from their oral exposition.

For Module 3 CFU it is necessary to pass a written test regarding the design and sizing of an electrical system of MV/LV in which the presence of generation from renewable sources is expected to be included.

Teaching tools

As the course is delivered in Italian, the reader is encouraged to refer also to the corresponding box written in Italian. For convenience, however, the relevant translation in English is provided below.

  • PPT Slides.
  • Lecture notes by the faculty members of the Power Systems Laboratory of the University of Bologna.
  • Multimedia didactical material, MOOCS
  • Technical visit to a local Distribution System Operator station and/or one Station of the Italian System Operator
  • Seminars by experts from professional associations and major electric players.

Office hours

See the website of Carlo Alberto Nucci


Affordable and clean energy Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.