- Docente: Anna Maria Lorusso
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-FIL/05
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Information, Cultures and Media Organisation (cod. 5698)
from Nov 13, 2024 to Dec 19, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course offers an overview of the Italian publishing world (in relation to the international one) by defining who are the key players, with what media and cultural policies, and according to which legacy and which renovation projects. It will be observed the worlds of newspapers and of book publishing, which often converge in large publishing groups, within a media scenario in which information and entertainment are increasingly intertwined, and in which print and digital techniques they coexist in an integrated media regime. At the end of the course the student: - knows the organization of the Italian publishing world; - knows the segments into which the publishing industry is divided; - will know how to analyze the relationships between production, distribution and the public; - knows how to have a critical look at the textual products that the publishing industry creates.
Course contents
The course intends to reflect on the logic that characterizes the contemporary information and editorial panorama, taking into consideration both the world of newspapers and books, as well as those of radio or the production and distribution of audiovisuals. The cases of intertwining, in fact, are numerous: from the Mondadori group to the RCS group to the GEDI group, to entities that are located between cinema and publishing, such as Fandango, or between information and publishing, such as Chora Media. Without, of course, neglecting the giant Amazon.
After a historical introduction to the evolution of the Italian panorama, within the international context, the course will proceed through case studies, focusing from time to time on some market subjects, also involving some operators in the sector.
-Irene Piazzoni, Il Novecento dei libri. Una storia dell'editoria in Italia, Carocci, 2021
-Michele Giocondi, Breve storia dell'editoria italiana (1861-2018) con 110 schede monografiche delle case editrici di ieri e di oggi. Dai fratelli Treves a Jeff Bezos, GoWare, 2018
-Matteo Mammoli, La grande concentrazione. Breve storia dei maggiori gruppi editoriali italiani, Unicopli, 2016
+ supplementary materials (reports, articles, videos...) will then be made available on Virtuale
-Valerio Castronovo – Nicola Tranfaglia (a cura di), La stampa italiana nell'età della TV. Dagli anni Settanta a oggi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1994
-Alberto Cadioli,Giuliano Vigini, Storia dell'editoria in Italia. Dall'Unità a oggi, Editrice Bibliografica, 2018
-Bruno Pischedda, La competizione editoriale. Marchi e collane di vasto pubblico nell’Italia contemporanea (1860-2020), Carocci, Roma 2022
There are no differences between attending and non-attending students.
Teaching methods
The course will be blended.
The lessons will include an alternation between frontal teaching and laboratory teaching.
While the face-to-face lessons will follow a more traditional methodology, the more laboratory-based ones involve, through the blended mode, both online interaction with experts from the world of the publishing industry and the carrying out of projects in small groups.
The distribution of lessons will respect the proportion between 2/3 of the course in person and 1/3 online. .
At the beginning of the lessons, a precise calendar will be given.
Assessment methods
The exam will consist of an oral test, during which the student's knowledge of the contemporary information and editorial panorama will be ascertained: the main subjects, activities, evolution, ongoing interests, major successes and major failures .
The oral exam can be replaced by a written paper only if this is presented in one of the last two lessons.
The written essay can be a text of around 15,000 characters or a ppt; the topic must be agreed with the teacher
Students with DSA or temporary or permanent disabilities.
It is recommended to contact the responsible University office in good time [https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/it], it will be their responsibility to propose any adaptations to the interested students, which must in any case be submitted, 15 days in advance, to the approval of the teacher, who will also evaluate the opportunity in relation to the educational objectives of the course.
Teaching tools
All supplementary materials that will be part of the bibliographic material will be made available on Virtuale.
Furthermore, presentations, audiovisual material, archive content, links and resources available online will be uploaded.
Office hours
See the website of Anna Maria Lorusso

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.