00160 - Thoracic Surgery

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5908)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student possesses the knowledge, to the extent of their competence, relating to the pathophysiology, methodology, functional and instrumental semiotics, and surgical therapy of pathologies of the respiratory system and thoracic structures, including oncological thoracic surgery and thoracic surgery urgent and emergency.

Course contents

The teaching subject has been divided into the blocks described below to help the progression in knowledge.

Each block of topics will be covered over three hours (nominal) of frontal teaching.

1st BLOCK:

Chest anatomy, respiratory pathophysiology, thoracic incisions, thoracic drainage.

2nd BLOCK:

Surgical diseases and traumas of the thorax.

3rd BLOCK:

Pre-operative preparation of the candidate for thoracic surgery.

4th BLOCK:

Monitoring of thoracic surgery, post-operative intensive care, artificial ventilation, airway endoscopy in surgical patients.


Brunner-Suddarth. "Infermieristica medico-chirurgica" Vol.1- Casa Editrice Ambrosiana 5° Edizione (2017)

Teaching methods

During the lectures, fundamental notions on the approach to the profession will be provided.

Assessment methods

The verification will consist of the administration of multiple-choice tests.

Teaching tools

During the lectures, videos useful for understanding will be broadcast.

Office hours

See the website of Niccolò Daddi