- Docente: Mattia Neri
- Credits: 6
- SSD: ICAR/02
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Ravenna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Building Construction Engineering (cod. 5897)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student owns the basic knowledge and principles for the design and management of hydraulic structures relative to water supply and drainage collection systems in an urban context. Upon completion of the course, the student is capable to identify and quantify the main variables for a critical analysis of urban hydrology problems and knows the basic criteria for the design and verification of urban drainage and water supply networks, as well as for the definition and design of water delivery and collection system within civil buildings.
Course contents
Requirements/Prior knowledge
Basic knowledge of Hydraulics, and in particular of under-pressure pipe flow and open-channel flow is required to attend with profit this course.
Drinking water supply systems in urban areas
- Analysis of urban water demand.
- Brief overview of water sources and water captation.
- Design and analysis of water adduction and distribution networks: operational characteristics of long under-pressure pipes, dead-end and loop networks.
- Storage reservoirs: functions of water supply reservoirs, typologies, design of the reservoir volume.
- Pumping stations: pumps and system characteristics, series and parallel configurations, operating point, economic sizing.
- Water pipes: standards, materials, joints.
- Domestic water distribution networks
Hydrological principles and drainage collection systems
- Hydrological cycle: precipitation regimes, measurements and data collection, infiltration and net precipitation, watershed water balance.
- Rainfall-runoff modelling: model types and characteristics, event-based models.
- Statistical analysis of extreme events, rainfall depth-duration-frequency curves.
- Overview of drainage systems, network types, rating curves in closed conduits, wastewater and stormwater flow analysis. Critical events.
- Design and verification of drainage systems.
- Sewage pipe materials and construction, brief overview of other special structures.
- Rainwater harvesting and drainage systems in buildings
There is not a required textbook for the course. Lecture slides will be made available in the collection "Virtuale" (virtuale.unibo.it/) for registered students.
For further readings:
Y. CENGEL, J. CIMBALA Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2018.
T. M. WALSKY, D.V. CHASE, D.A. SAVIC Water distribution modeling, 1st Edition, Heasted press, 2001.
D. BUTLER, J. W. DAVIES Urban Drainage, 3rd Edition, Spon press, 2011.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures and in-class exercises. Students should attend all lectures or obtain the notes from their colleagues when absent.
Assessment methods
Candidates are required to sit a final test, which ensures the acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills through a written exam lasting about 2.5 hours, without the aid of notes or books, followed by an oral colloquium only if required by the Teacher based on the analysis of the written test. The exam includes both exercises, of the type of those presented by the teacher during the course, and open questions concerning the theoretical aspects of the discipline.
The highest grade is 30/30 cum laude, which can be obtained if both exercises and open questions are correct and complete. The test is passed with a minimum grade of 18/30.
Class attendance is not mandatory and it does not have impact on the final grade; however, regular attendance is strongly encouraged to enhance the learning process.
In order to attend the exam, students have to register in AlmaEsami (https://almaesami.unibo.it).
Teaching tools
Lecture slides and the texts of the exercises are published in the collection "Virtuale" (virtuale.unibo.it/) University of Bologna, for registered students.
Office hours
See the website of Mattia Neri