- Docente: Mirella Falconi
- Credits: 7
- SSD: BIO/16
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Mirella Falconi (Modulo 1) Elisa Boschetti (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Ravenna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5906)
from Oct 09, 2024 to Oct 17, 2024
from Oct 01, 2024 to Dec 02, 2024
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
At the end of the anatomy course, students must demonstrate that they acquired a solid knowledge concerning the organization of the human body and namely of all organs, that is essential to address firstly physiology and then the clinical and surgical disciplines. Starting from a systematic basis of gross anatomy, then students will be addressed to the microscopic examination of the different structures.
The systematic approach is essential for the subsequent assessment of topographic anatomy, geared towards students' initial contact with the planes of section used in modern methods of diagnostic imaging (CT, MRI, PET).
Course contents
Course contents
Oral cavity and correaltaed formations . Topography, systematic anatomy, blood supply, innervation of the different sections of the digestive tract. Behavior of the peritoneum in relation to the development of organs.
Kidney: Renal loggia, internal and external configuration, vascularization, innervation, functional anatomy of the nephron. Course, vessels and nerves of the urinary tract. Organogenesis of the urinary tract.
Male gonads. Course of the spermatic tract and glands. External genital organs. Organogenesis the male genital system.
Female gonads. Genital tract: uterine tubes, uterus, vagina. External genital organs. Mammary gland. Organogenesis the female genital system.
Topography, macroscopic anatomy, microscopic and functional thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal, endocrine pancreas.
Organization and development of the central nervous system.
Spinal cord: external and internal configuration. Spinal nerve roots. Organization of the gray substance and of the white substance.
Brain Stem: bulb, pons, midbrain. External configuration and reports. Fourth ventricle, brainstem, quadrigeminal plate, mesencephalic aqueduct.
Cerebellum: external and internal configuration, structure and architecture cerebellar cortex.
Diencephalon: thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus. III ventricle.
Telencephalon: general conformation. Fissures, lobes, gyri, cortex, brain areas. Lateral ventricles. Subcortical nuclei and organization of the white substance. Main commissural systems of the telencephalon. Limbic system.
Encephalic and spinal meninges: dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater, canvas and choroid plexus, the cerebrospinal fluid.
Vascularization of the neuraxis: vascularization of the spinal cord and brain. Internal carotid artery. Vertebrobasilar system. Circle of Willis. Cerebral arteries. Venous sinuses of dura mater. Autonomic nervous system: sympathetic nervous system and related complexes. Brainstem and sacral parasympathetic system.
Spinal nerves, cranial nerves and autonomous nervous system.
Netter F., Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Edra
Netter F. Atlante interattivo di Anatomia Umana, dra
Rohen-Yokochi, Atlante fotografico di Anatomia descrittiva e topografica, Piccin
Atlante di Anatomia, Prometheus, EdiSes
Teaching methods
Teaching methods
Macroscopic Anatomy. The teachers will be always present during laboratories, guiding students in learning anatomy, helping them using proper instruments and anatomical models.
In Dissecting Room the students will examine anatomical preparations on cadavers, under the guide of teachers and tutors.
Microscopic Anatomy. The teacher, after the explanation of the microscopic characteristics of organs, will guide the students in the observation at the microscope
Assessment methods
Assessment methods
Macroscopic Anatomy. The teachers will be always present during laboratories, guiding students in learning anatomy, helping them using proper instruments and anatomical models.
In Dissecting Room the students will examine anatomical preparations on cadavers, under the guide of teachers and tutors.
Microscopic Anatomy. The teacher, after the explanation of the microscopic characteristics of organs, will guide the students in the observation at the microscope
Teaching tools
Teaching tools
Macroscopic Anatomy. The students will be able to study on human bones, plastic models of articulations and limbs. The students will also dissect animal organs, under the guide of the teachers
Office hoursSee the website of Mirella Falconi [https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/mirella.falconi
Office hours
See the website of Mirella Falconi
See the website of Elisa Boschetti