- Docente: Mariachiara Colucci
- Credits: 6
- SSD: SECS-P/08
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Business Administration (cod. 0897)
from Sep 18, 2024 to Oct 23, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student has the knowledge of, and is able to apply, concepts and techniques related to corporate strategies. In particular, the student is able to carry out a strategic analysis of the decisions affecting the corporate level, such as: 1- the choice of entry into new business areas and management of a diversified portfolio of businesses; 2- the decisions involving the organizational boundaries of the company, in particular the degree of vertical integration.
Course contents
- Corporate strategy implementation.
- Strategy of vertical integration; managing integrated companies.
- Diversification strategy; managing diversified companies.
- The external growth of the firm: outsourcing, joint venture and alliances, merger & acquisition.
- Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J. e Gamble, J.E (2009). Strategia aziendale. Formulazione ed esecuzione. Cap 6: “Integrare la strategia competitiva”; Cap. 9: “Diversificazione: strategie per l'integrazione di più aree di business”.
- Collins, D.J., Montgomery, C.A., Invernizzi, G. e Molteni, M. (2012). Corporate level strategy. Generare valore condiviso nelle imprese multi business. Cap. 6: “Business: lo sviluppo diversificato”; Cap. 7: “Le matrici di portafoglio”; Cap 8: “Organizzazione: mercato, gerarchia e integrazione verticale”.
- Porter, M.E. (1985). Il vantaggio competitivo, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano, Cap. 9: “Interrelazioni tra le unità di business”.
- OPTIONAL: Haspeslagh, P.C. e Jemison, D.B. (1992). La gestione delle acquisizioni. Successi e insuccessi nel rinnovamento delle imprese. Etas Libri, Milano. Cap.8: “Comprendere i diversi approcci all'integrazione”; Cap. 9: “La gestione delle acquisizioni”.
These readings will be provided by the Professor in class.
Teaching methods
- Lectures and application of corporate strategies to a real case developed with a consulting company.
- During the lessons, real cases are discussed to support the understanding of theories.
Assessment methods
Students can choose between:
- Written examination with open-ended questions.
- A business report based on a real case study to be handed in during the course (50%) + one open-ended question during the exam (50%).
Teaching tools
- Lectures
- Case study based on real data presented by a management consultant, aimed at developing a business report.
- Discussion of case studies.
- Team work & business report presentation
Office hours
See the website of Mariachiara Colucci