Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Innovation and Organization of Culture and the Arts (cod. 0902)

Learning outcomes

The student is expected to familiarize with the entrepreneurial processes of opportunity recognition and exploitation with a special focus on the creative industries. In particular, the student is expected to: - Understand where the best ideas come from. - Appreciate how outsiders can successfully compete with incumbents - Learn how entrepreneurs should think - Develop a venturing project in the creative industry - Gain the knowledge to sell your venturing idea effectively through pitching

Course contents

The purpose of the course is to explore the many dimensions of new venture creation & growth and to foster innovation and new business formations in independent and corporate settings. A new venture is defined as a start-up business, in either an independent or in a corporate setting, with a high growth potential that
distinguishes itself from existing companies through innovation – for example, through an innovative product or service, an innovative production process, a new business model, or creating a new market.

The decision to introduce this course has been prompted by a simple and salient observation: a growing number of GIOCA students after (and sometimes during) the programme become entrepreneurs. This class has been introduced in direct response to this trend and to address GIOCA students’ increasing interest for the world of startups. The course looks at both processes and people involved in assessing ideas, exploiting opportunities, and converting concepts into businesses. It allows you to acquire the skill set necessary for crafting a viable business model for your venture, and prepare you for launching an entrepreneurial business. The final goal is to enable you to fully appreciate the process of converting entrepreneurial aspirations into reality.

Important pedagogical objectives of the course are:
• “Experience the process”: identify and pursue a business opportunity in either an independent or
corporate setting with a team of motivated peers
• Examine examples of new venture creation in the creative industries
• To acquire the knowledge and spirit for venturing
• To develop an understanding of entrepreneurship as a business behavior observed across a variety of
people and organizational contexts
• Learn the key ingredients for putting together a compelling business idea pitch
• Gain exposure to venturing journeys in the creative industries

More broadly, while the achievement of these specific objectives will no doubt serve you well, the course is designed to be a springboard to your own further inquiry into the domain of entrepreneurship and innovation in ways that are relevant to the different and unique contexts in which you will be developing your
professional career.


The primary materials for the course are articles that can be directly downloaded from the web following the links provided for each reading. In addition to these readings, there are various case studies. There is also a textbook required as prep material for students who will not attend the course:
Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, by Jeffry A. Timmons and Stephen Spinelli. Irwin/McGraw-Hill (2008 onwards)

Teaching methods

- Lectures by instructor;
- Class discussions of the cases and actual venture plans that will be included in the course bulk pack;
- Guest lectures by expert practitioners designed to familiarize the students with the many dimensions of entrepreneurship and innovation, especially in the creative industries’ domain.
- The formation and ongoing work of a 3 to 5 people team that will work on specific assignments

Assessment methods

Your final grade will consist of the following components:
• (Team) idea pitch: 20%
• (Team) mini business plan: 50%
• (Individual) final exam: 30%

Students with specific learning disorders (SLD) or temporary/permanent disabilities should contact the appropriate University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en ) immediately and agree with the teacher the most effective strategies for attending the lectures and preparing for the exam.

Teaching tools

Because the course will make significant use of online simulations it is expected that 20 to 30% of lecture will be delivered fully online.

Office hours

See the website of Simone Ferriani


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.