12637 - Semiotics of Art (1)

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

The course aims tat providing the theoretical and methodological tools for the semiotic analysis of artistic languages. The lessons therefore include a theoretical part of introduction to the main methodologies of image analysis (with particular attention to the proposal offered by semiotics and art theory) and then accompany the concepts exposed by case analyzes, including contemporary ones (murals, installations , museums ...).

Course contents

The course aims to investigate the nature and specificities of visual artistic language, specifying its differences compared to other types of language (primarily verbal) but also the analogies and complementarities (thinking, for example, of all the cases of video installations, where there is also sound, or cases of verbo-visual textuality: graphic novels).
The methodological approach will be semiotic, with particular attention to the categories of:
-textual space
-visual statement
-visual narrativity
-culturality of the image

The artistic texts that will be examined will be of various textual genres: painting, sculpture, photography, video art, murals... The use of different artistic genres will allow the breadth and specificity of the semiotic problems that language visual in solicitous art.


L. CORRAIN & M. VALENTI (a cura di), Leggere l'opera d'arte, Esculapio, Bologna 1992.

OMAR CALABRESE, Come si legge un'opera d'arte, Mondadori università, 2006

VICTOR STOICHITA L'invenzione del quadro (Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2024 (selezione di capitoli da definire)

Teaching methods

The course will alternate traditional lectures with many lessons of a more seminar nature, dedicated to the analysis of individual texts.

Students will be asked to participate actively, collaborating in the class analyzes of the proposed texts.
Anyone who wishes can present their own analysis case.

For this reason, attendance is strongly recommended.

Assessment methods

The exam is written and consists of the semiotic analysis of a text/artistic object chosen by the teacher.
The test will take place on the PC.
The ability to express oneself correctly in Italian will be an integral part of the assessment.

For ERASMUS STUDENTS it is possible to arrange an ad hoc exam.

People with disabilities and DSA have the right to special adaptations in relation to their condition, subject to evaluation by the University Service for students with disabilities and DSA. Please do not contact the teacher, but contact the Service for an appointment. The Service will be responsible for establishing which adaptations are appropriate. More information on the page:

Teaching tools

The teacher will make some in-depth materials (readings or case analyses) available online.

This material will not be mandatory, but will only be supplementary and optional.

Office hours

See the website of Anna Maria Lorusso


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.