84552 - Accounting And Financial Statements

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Ileana Steccolini (Modulo 1) Luca Baccolini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics, Politics and Social Sciences (cod. 5819)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to introduce students to accounting and financial statements and prepare them to deal effectively with this subject in the international arena. To that end, we will focus on both financial and management accounting theory and practice. At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand double-entry bookkeeping rules, prepare and read financial statements, and use management accounting techniques for decision making in private, public and non-profit organizations.

Course contents

A detailed course syllabus (with modules contents, teaching and assessment and exam rules) is published on Virtuale. Here it is only reported a summary, please refer to the Detailed Course Syllabus published here: https://virtuale.unibo.it/ 


Contents of Module 1 

Introduction to Business: definition of firm as system, classification and its relation with the environment

Conceptual framework
The recording process
Accounting for merchandising operations
Receivables and liabilities


Contents of Module 2  

PPE, intangibles, and other investments
Share transactions, dividends, and retained earnings
Adjusting the accounts and completing the accounting cycle
Closing entries and preparation of financial statements
Preparation of financial statements
Non-financial reporting: ESG reporting, metrics and effects on disclosure (environmental, social and governance information)


Lectures and readings will be in English.

Weygandt, Jerry J.; Kimmel, Paul D. and Kieso, Donald E. (2018) Financial Accounting: IFRS Edition, 4rd. Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Case studies and support material delivered or assigned in class


Teaching methods

Lectures, cases and workshops

Assessment methods

Here it is only reported a quick summary of the assessment rules, please refer to all ruls published on Virtuale: https://virtuale.unibo.it/

For both Modules 1 and 2, the assessment is based on two elements:

a) the written exam grade and b) a group project.

The exam can be taken by passing two mini-exams or the final exam.
Mini-exams: the first mini-exam is organized at the end of the first cycle of lessons, the second mini-exam and full exam are organized at the end of the entire course

All information about the valuation rules, acceptance (or rejection) of the exam grade and other details are reported in the Syllabus published on Virtuale. Please refer to the link reported above.

Teaching tools

The teaching tools are slides, exercises, projector and blackboard

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Ileana Steccolini

See the website of Luca Baccolini


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.