- Docente: Maria Lucia Valentino
- Credits: 3
- SSD: MED/26
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Rimini
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adapted Physical Activities (cod. 9263)
from Oct 08, 2024 to Nov 19, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course is determined to clarify the pathological clinical signs in the diseases of central and perypheral nervous system, and their relevance in physical activities.
Basic information about pathogenic mechanisms, diagnostic exams and prognosis of some neurological diseases will be described.
Course contents
Notes on anatomy of central and perypheral nervous system.
The pyramidal and extrapyramidal nervous system, the sensory nervous system and the coordination system.
The neurological physical examination: its role in the diagnostic process of patients with neurological diseases.
Clinical signs, diagnosis and therapy of the diseases of motor system (pyramidal and extrapyramidal), of the perypheral nerves, of neuromuscular junctions, of muscle. The demyelinating diseases. The lesions of spinal cord. Dementia. Epilepsia.
The role of exercise in some neurological diseases: evidence from scientific reports.
Exercise and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J. P. Lopes de Almeida et al Neurol Sci (2012) 33:9–15 (Review)
Physical Activity and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A European Population-Based Case–Control Study E. Pupillo et al. Ann Neurol 2014;75:708–716
Physiotherapy versus placebo or no intervention in Parkinson’s disease CL Tomlinson et al.,Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 9
Parkinson’s Disease and Resistive Exercise: Rationale, Review, and Recommendations Falvo MJ. et al. Movement Disorders Vol. 23, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1-11
Myasthenia Gravis and Endurance Exercise
Scheer, B. V. et al; American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 2012; 91: 725-727
The benefits and tolerance of exercise in myasthenia gravis (MGEX): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.Trials. 2018 Jan 18;19(1):49.
Assisted Bicycle Training Delays Functional Deterioration in Boys With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy:
The Randomized Controlled Trial “No Use Is Disuse” Jansen M et al. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2013; 27:816–827
Effects of exercise training on fitness, mobility, fatigue, and health-related quality of life among adults with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review to inform guideline development
Archives of physical medicine and Rehabilitation 2013; 94:1800-28
Physical activity and enhanced fitness to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment
Angevaren M. et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 2.
Exercise programs for people with dementia
Forbes D et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD006489.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Assessment methods
Oral examination
Teaching tools
Office hours
See the website of Maria Lucia Valentino

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.