93491 - Special Pedagogy Workshop for Inclusion (A)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the laboratory, the student: - will be able to apply what discussed during the integrated course in an environment of simulated learning; - will be able to reflect critically in group on the issues proposed.

Course contents

Teachers: Roberta Caldin e Enrica Polato

The aim of the course is that of identify, analyze and manage the situations that show sensorial disabilities, through the use of theoretical, conceptual and methodological instruments that promote the exercise of critical reflection and the explicitation of professional skills aimed at working with the disabled child, in and with his/her classroom, in and with his/her family.


School, families and sensorial disabilities: educational measures and inclusive prospects for the reduction of the obstacles to the learning and the participation.

The Special Education today, in the perspective of inclusion, acquires the capability of reach, in life contexts and in the usual practices of an organized and organizable scholastic context, those who show sensorial disabilities.It is necessary to learn how to relate to the scholastic and familiar framework – whatever it may be the geografical and cultural collocation – through the co-construction of the sensorial disabled-child’s life-project


During the Laboratory, the professor will offer students openaccess material through which they have to prepare or deepen certain issues about sensorial disabilities.

Within the limits of the legal requirements, the material will be deposited also on the "Virtuale" applicative of the Ateneo and will be available for all students that attend the Laboratory.

Just to let you merely know the titles, here we indicate some references.

R. Caldin, Sulla "storia emancipativa" dei giovani ciechi in Italia, in: Inclusione e promozione sociale nel sistema formativo italiano dall'Unità ad oggi, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2020, pp. 269 - 287

R. Caldin, L'inclusione delle persone cieche e ipovedenti nel mondo, in L. d’Alonzo, R.

Caldin, Questioni, sfide e prospettive della pedagogia speciale. L'impegno della comunità di ricerca, Napoli, Liguori, 2012, pp. 203 – 227

 R. Caldin, De visu. Disabilità visiva e agire educativo, Trento, Erickson, 2023

R. Caldin (a cura di), Percorsi educativi nella disabilità visiva, Trento, Erickson, 2006      OPEN ACCESS 

Teaching methods

The teaching includes interactive modalities with illustrations of cases, testimonials, stories. Within the limits of the availability of places and of the sanitary situation, it will be possible to organize group-works.

Assessment methods

The evaluation of the Laboratory will depend on:

  • Active participation;
  • The production (individual o by group) of the product/products required;
  • The reference to bibliographic sources;
  • The capability to link synthetically the presented contents to personal experience.

The Laboratory, in addition to an active participation, includes the realization of a ‘laboratory product’ defined by the professor (relation, educational project, life-story ect.).

The evaluation of the Laboratory foresees four ratings:

REJECTED: the student will have to attend again the Laboratory;




The evaluation will be made known by the professor through the personal web-site and will contribute, taking in consideration the middle vote of the different educational moduls, to define the final evaluation of the exam. The evaluation will be valid until the verbalization of the final vote.

Teaching tools

Educational material in the "Virtuale" platform of the Ateneo, available with the credentials of access that every student already has.

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Caldin


Good health and well-being Quality education Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.