- Docente: Federico Chesani
- Credits: 8
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Engineering (cod. 5826)
from Feb 17, 2025 to Jun 11, 2025
Learning outcomes
Introduction to main principles and methods in Artificial
Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence based methodologies and
techniques for solving problems with particular emphasis on
knowledge-based systems and computational logic techniques. Desing
and implementation of some practical systems based on procedural
and declarative programming languages.
Course contents
The course introduces the student to the principles and methods
used to solve Artificial Intelligence methods, with a particular
attention to knowledge-based systems and computational logic
approaches. In particular, the Prolog programming language is
introduced as a tool for implementing Artificial Intelligence
systems. Moreover, seminars on specific Artificial Intelligence
topics are planned. This course is preparatory for the course of
Intelligent Systems.
Prerequisites: attending the course requires a medium
knowledge of a high level programming language, in order to
successfully understand case studies and applications presented
during the lessons. Regarding the course contents, no prerequisites
are required: the student will be gradually introduced to the
fundamental notions of the Artificial Intelligence, and no
assumption about previous knowledge is made.
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: brief history of AI, main application fields, introduction to knowledge-based systems and architectural organization.
- Problem solving in AI: representation through the notion of state, forward e backward reasoning, solving as a search and search strategies (informed and non). Games, constraint satisfaction problems, and planning problems.
- Knowledge Representation: First Order Predicate Logic, Production Rules Systems, Knowledge-based systems, Some hints about formal ontologies.
- Languages for Artficial Intelligence. Prolog: from logic to logic programming, Prolog programs as solvers, desing and development of simple Prolog programs, few notes about meta-predicates and meta-interpreters.
A comprehensive list of textbooks to consult is available on the Web site, and
it is reported also in the course slides. When available, the
english versions of these textbooks are recommended:
About Artificial Intelligence:
- S. J. Russel, P. Norvig: "Artificail Intelligence: A modern approach", Prentice Hall, Last or previous editions.
About Prolog:
- L. Console, E. Lamma, P. Mello, M. Milano: "Programmazione Logica e Prolog", Seconda Edizione UTET, 1997.
Teaching methods
Slides projected during the lessons are used as a support by the
teacher. The teacher takes care to made them available on the web
sites few days before each lesson. Classroom lessons are
interleaved by some practical activities in the laboratories of the
Engineering School.
Autonomous lab activities are welcome and promoted by suggesting
ideas and possible test projects.
As part of the course, the teacher organizes also some seminars, challenges and
invited lectures.
Assessment methods
The achievement of the learning goals is verified by the student
itself, by means of the exercises proposed during the labs, and at
the end of the course, by means of a final exam.
The final exam consists of a written test, of duration of two hours, organized as a set of
exercises and open questions selected from all the topics presented in the
course. During the written test it is strictly forbidden
to consult textbooks, personal notes or any other external
More details will be provided in the material published on the Virtuale platform related to the Course.
Teaching tools
Teaching materials: all the slides used during the
lessons are available in electronic format and can be
accessed/downloaded at the course web site:
The teacher takes care to publish and update the slides, and to
make them available few days before each lesson.
A comprehensive list of text books and manuals is available on the
course web site, and is reported on the course slides as
Suggestions for further readings, slides and notes about additional
topics, and exercises are made available through the web site.
Moreover, the texts of all the final exams of previous years are
available, and the students are encouraged to use them to improve
their preparation.
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Federico Chesani
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.