- Docente: Roberta Caldin
- Credits: 3
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Educator in Childhood Social Services (cod. 9083)
from Mar 07, 2025 to Mar 15, 2025
Learning outcomes
At the end of the workshop the student:
- is able to apply the specific techniques learnt autonomously or within projects organised by the institutions; - is able to confront with other subjects on the modalities of use and documentation of the techniques learnt; - is able to place the specific knowledge learnt in different types of service;
- is able to evaluate the limits and qualities of the technical instruments learnt; - is able to transfer the technologies learnt in different contexts making personal modifications and integrations.
Course contents
Workshop leader: Prof. Roberta Caldin
Teachers: Prof. Roberta Caldin, Dr. Alessia Cinotti and Dr. Anna Pileri.
Course contentsThe workshop- linked to the inclusive perspective - aims to investigate and reflect on the main theoretical approaches linked to the "pedagogy of educational relations", with particular reference to triadic situations (e.g. fathers/mothers and children, educators/parents and children) and/or small group situations (e.g. play, conflicts among peers etc.), in the presence of disabilities.
If the fusional dependency between mother and child is physiological in the very first months of a child's life, it must, however, evolve into a triadic dimension, including the father (and, subsequently, the extended parental network, the neighbourhood, the educators of early childhood services, etc.). This is an important passage that helps the child to leave the primary fusion and to open up to affective relationships outside the family. However, the transition to the environment outside the family context is neither linear nor obvious and requires an interweaving of relationships between a plurality of figures, such as that between parents, children and educators/teachers. In order to develop a willingness to explore the world and openness to other relationships, the child must first experience the ability to "enter and exit" intra-family relationships, to involve himself with the family figures who care for him, but also with those outside.
The methodology of the workshop foresees an interplay of theoretical and experiential moments, group and individual work, together with the viewing of films and/or documentaries. Moreover, if possible, a meeting with privileged witnesses is foreseen, i.e. with fathers who are confronted with the disability of a young child.
Alessia Cinotti will focus more on the triad fathers/mothers and children, starting from the importance of the educational role of fathers in raising children (and, in particular, in situations of disability). Anna Pileri, on the other hand, will propose to the participants the tool of the video to investigate triadic relations within early childhood services, with a particular focus on migrant children with disabilities and in situations of psycho-social fragility.
Attendance at the Lab is obligatory. The student can make NO more than 25% absences out of the 24 hours scheduled.Readings/Bibliography
Bibliographic indications will be offered during the workshop for the in-depth study of some of the contents presented.
Teaching methods
Interactive teaching methods.
Assessment methods
The final examination consists of writing a short paper (individual or group), max. 870-900 words. It is necessary to have chosen and critically revised, from an educational-pedagogical point of view, a topic of your choice, taken from the reference volume and/or starting from one of the three testimonies in the third section of the volume in the bibliography for the exam (Lemnaru, Dall'Osso and Montanari). These testimonies will also be the subject of discussion and reflection during the workshop itself, through the viewing of the video "The educating of the fathers. Disability and inclusion between old certainties and new dilemmas".
Teaching tools
Videos, narrations, life stories, testimonies.
Office hours
See the website of Roberta Caldin

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.