95915 - Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Safety M

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Alessandro Dal Pozzo (Modulo 1) Giordano Emrys Scarponi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Environmental Engineering (cod. 8894)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to: • identify the sources of workplace hazards • understand the physico-chemical fundamentals that characterise the various risk factors • carry out assessments, even of quantitative nature, on workers’ exposure to the various risk factors and on the design of engineering and organizational risk control measures

Course contents

The Concept of Risk

Introduction to risk and its assessment.
Risk indices: mortality, injuries, near misses.
Overview of occupational diseases.

The regulatory framework

The legislative system regarding worker safety.
The actors in the company prevention system.
The risk assessment document (DVR).

Chemical risk

Hazardous substances: substance classification, REACH regulation, and safety data sheets.
Fundamentals of toxicology, prevention, and protection concerning toxic substances.
Asphyxiation risk.
Overview of biological agent risk (bacteria, viruses, fungi, biomolecules).

Physical risk

Noise and vibrations: theoretical basics and risk management.
Machine risk: regulatory framework and intervention measures.
Worker comfort.
Microclimate and ergonomics.
The human factor in risk management.

Fire risk

Fundamentals of combustion phenomena: fire triangle, diffusive and premixed flames, characterization of combustible mixtures.
Fires in enclosed environments: phenomenology and simulation models.
Risks for humans and structures in the event of a fire.
Fire prevention and protection measures.
Overview of Italian fire safety regulations.

Explosion risk

Introduction to explosive phenomena: physical, chemical, and nuclear explosions.
Key characteristics of detonations and deflagrations.
Overview of dust explosions.
The ATEX regulations.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Dal Pozzo

See the website of Giordano Emrys Scarponi